4 Savage Samurais

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Kirito P.O.V

Asuna,Lizbeth,Sinon,Silica,Yui Klien and all were logged in ALO ready to go out on a boss raid.

We're clearing floor 98 all by ourselves... Why? Because we're just that good.

"Ok your weapons are all repaired and ready to go!" Liz said handing me my swords.

"So where's your new boyfriend?" Klien teased Sinon.

All jokes aside they did say they'd be here about half an hour ago. With all the things they've done for my friends like taking out Rosolia, dealing with a red player, and upgrading all our weapons thanks to a boss (L/R) fought I owe them a lot...

(Oh! What's that don't remember reading that? Because it's not here! It's in the other books.)

"For your information we're just dating!" Sinon said giving Klien the look.

"Either way you put it there running a little late aren't they?" Silica asked.

"Maybe there just out testing out some magic discs" Sinon said putting her thumb on her chin.

"Magic discs?" I asked.

"Of all people you didn't here about the new update? They added new items called disc that act as weopon boosters" Sinon said.

"What do mean?" Silica asked.

Liz raised a finger and explained.

"Instead of wasting MP on a sword skill the disc act as way to do it without it. You can also use them to boost the criticals of any weapon. Put them together and something explosive happens" Liz said

"There correct Papa the disc can be found in 20 different dungeons but only 5 have been discovered" Yui said.

Well ether way we had to get moving.

Sugaha P.O.V

"MOU! WHERE IS HE!?" I whined he said he'd be here about an hour ago.

It was a Friday and me (Y/N) Kirito and everyone else were planning on going on a mini boss raid today. He said he'd be here but he's late!

"Guess we'll have to go with out him" Kirito said.

"Hey if we get lucky he'll probably meet us there" Asuna said smiling.

Probably but still what could be taking him so long?


We arrived at the icy tundra in floor 98 and we're currently fighting off dozens off mobs.

"Guys today's a special event so more monsters are going to be spawning in more than usual" Yui said.

"Great that's just great!" I said getting tired off all these mobs it's like when we cut 1 down 2 more appear.

"There's no end to them!" Liz said.

As it seemed we were getting overwhelmed I heard drums starting get everyone's attention.

We all turned to a cliff were ai players were holding up a banner to reveal 4 familiar figures in samurai robes and a girl. She looked identical to (Y/N).

Took em long enough.

(Y/N) P.O.V

"That's far enough!" I said.

It was me along with my sister Mako, (G/R) the hotshot, (L/R) the thunder god and (S/R) the speedster.

'What took em so long?" Suguha thought.

"Sorry we're late" I said taking out my wand into a the others did the same.

"Shodo phone! Ippitsu Soujou"

Sword Art Online Male Reader x Lisbeth/Rika Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now