7 The Dark Elves

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Loki P.O.V

As I sat in my cell throwing and catching a chess piece over and over and over again I stopped to wonder how it was I got here. I know I was angry but I never wanted to harm anybody... I thought this was all role-play but I'm starting to think that bastard played me for a fool.

I heard screaming and yelling, probably a prison break or something. Not that I cared, as AI's from the royal guard were being slaughtered and Prisoners escaping, I took a look to see who it was causing all this commotion.

An Elf with dark clothing glared at me through the cell. Another fool who I should've killed when I had the chance, he's wearing nerve gear and I bet you he's after Lizbeths Virus which would grant him admin privileges.

He knows I'm trouble and wouldn't dare let me out seeing as I failed our master.

"You might wanna take the stairs to your left" I advised him.

He said nothing but took my advise anyways as he freed the other prisoners.

I sat down quietly reading some Shakespeare.

(L/R) P.O.V

Load booms could be heard coming several miles away near the prison... Were my brother was.

"Prisons..." Mother said.

"Loki..." I said concerned.

"Go I'll watch after her" My mother said.

I nodded and ran to the stairs that lead towards the balcony spinned off gracefully catching a ride on Mjolnir.

I landed in the prison area looking at all the orange players.

"Return to your cells and no further harm will come to you, you have my word" I said right before getting bitch smacked by another player.

I grabbed him violently by the throat and looked him in the eyes.

'Very well than you do not have my word" I sent him flying with a swing from mjolnir and broke someones neck with a flick of my wrists.

I than switched weapons.

"FOREST SPEAR!" I yelled placing my lightning disc on it.

I slashed at hordes of enemy's all at once, draining there health bars as if they wee noobs to the game.

"Y'know you could at least get better at this!" I insulted the by putting them in a tornado.

"HYAAAA!" I twirled my spear around and fired it all them causing one hell of an electrifying explosion that left them all at the red marks of there health's and severally paralyzed.

"HYAAAA!" I twirled my spear around and fired it all them causing one hell of an electrifying explosion that left them all at the red marks of there health's and severally paralyzed

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My spear returned to my hand as I called it.

"Now that's how you get it done" I said turning it back into a sword and putting it back into its sheath.  

Lizbeths P.O.V

This thing was just getting worse and worse, I can't even hold my weapons at this point so I hid behind (L/R)'s mom when a strange man walked in.

"You have something that belongs to me" He said making my heart quiver in fear he sounded like a demon. 

"Stand down Creature and you may still survive this" Frigga said drawing her dagger. 

"I have survived worse women" 

"Who are you?" Frigga asked. 

"I am Maliketh... And I will have what is mine" He said looking at me.

My legs felt like jelly, this guy just screams pure evil. 

"UH!" He yelped when Frigga slashed his face.

 He drew his sword and began clashing with her. She was so fast it didn't take long for her blade to end up on his neck.

He suddenly disappeared it was an illusion the real him grabbed her neck and tossed the sword away.

Frigga P.O.V

Before he could even land a hand on Lizbeth I used my AI abilities  to teleport her somewhere safe.

"WITCH!" Maliketh yelled.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"I'll never tell!"

He smiled.

"I believe he you" He said before stabbing me in my heart.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard (L/R) yelled blasting Maliketh in the face with lighting.

I fell to my knees and felt my body slowly fade away.

(L/R) P.O.V

I jumped and threw mjolnir at him but it was too lat he already escaped by ship and my mother was dead.

My father... walked into the room.

"(L/R)...... Whatever it takes.... make him pay" Father said.

I clenched my fists angerly.

"I will"

I grabbed Lizbeth and walked out the castles secret entrance since the palace was now being overflowed with enemys.

Loki P.O.V

Someone came to my room to tell me the news.

Sword Art Online Male Reader x Lisbeth/Rika Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now