9 Loki's Death

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(L/R) P.O.V

She was getting worse by the second... If I don't get that virus out of her she'll die just like my mother.

First it'll be her Avatar killed by the virus itself.... Than the nerve gear.

This blasted Maliketh was on the same side as Loki at one point... Now I've got to bring an end to at least one of these assholes before this continues on any further.

Until I do I won't log out the game. Not till I know everyone is safe.

I put a blanket over my Liz to make her feel more comfortable as Loki continued to steer the ship.

I put a blanket over my Liz to make her feel more comfortable as Loki continued to steer the ship

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"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins" Loki said.

"It would... Consume you" I said.

"She's holding up alright... For now" Loki said.

"She's strong in ways you could never even know..." I said knowing Liz is too stubborn to die from this.

"Say goodbye"

"Not this day"

"This day the next, 5 years it's nothing, it's a heartbeat, you'll never be ready, the only women who's loved you prized will be snatched from-"

"AND WILL THAT SATISFY YOU?" I snapped interrupting him.

"Satisfaction is not in my nature"

"Serrenders not in mine" I said glaring at my brother.

Loki merely smiled. "Son of Odin"

"No not just of Odin!" I said standing up to look him in the eye.

"You think you alone would've loved mother? You had her tricks but I had her trust!"

Loki raised his voice right back at me.

"Trust? Was that her last expression? Trust!? We let her die!?" He asked.

"What help did you have in your cell?" I asked.

"Who put me there? WHO PUT THERE!? WHO ME THERE!!??" Loki yelled.

Angerly I grabbed him by the collar.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO!?" I yelled raising my fist about to punch him... I than stopped and calmed down releasing him.

"She wouldn't want us to fight..." I said backing off.


"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked" Loki said.

I smiled.

"I wish I could trust you" I said going back to Lizbeths side.

"Trust my rage" Loki mumbled.

This place wasn't from ALO. It was most likely there domain. Whatever the hell these bastards were trying to pull we were gonna stop them.

Sword Art Online Male Reader x Lisbeth/Rika Norse GodWhere stories live. Discover now