Saving Leo

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All rights go to Rick Riordan because he created the greatness that is Nico di Angelo. And he graced us with the awesomeness that is Leo Valdez.

Jason POV

        Jason was worried. The war was over. Gaea had been defeated and the camps had reconciled. Percy and Jason had combined wishes to get a portal between camps so the campers could visit thier Greek/Roman counterparts. Frank and Hazel were living hapily in New Rome, Frank as the praetor and Hazel as the mediator. Percy and Annabeth were almost impossible to see apart. After Tartarus they stuck to each other like glue. Piper and I were working things out, but without praetorship tieing me down I usually stayed in the Zeus cabin.

        It was Leo he was worrried about. After the war, Leo had dropped them off at camp and left immediately for....wherever. He didn't tell them where. He used his wish from the gods to have first access to any new technology. He didn't come to camp often. When they saw Leo, they would find him holed up in Bunker 9, working non-stop, muttering to himself, deep circles underneath his eyes. He never came to campfires or Capture The Flag, or dinner. he never ate. The most I had ever seen him eat was 4 crackers. Jake Mason had been reinstated as the cabin leader because Leo's siblings were worried for his sanity.

        I was too. Leo never talked to me anymore. And you can forget about jokes. Never eating, barely talking, hanging in the shadows. He reminded me of Nico di Angelo. Well the past Nico. Present Nico was perfectly happy with Reyna. When Leo came back from his latest expedition, he grabbed more nessecities and told us he'd be off in the morning.

        "I'm really worried about him." Piper said.

        "Yeah, me too. But what can we do? He wont tell us anything." I said.

        "I don't know but something has to happen and fast. I miss Leo." she responded. 

        She was right. Old Leo had to come back. The Hephaestus cabin had gone back into depression and The Seven needed Leo.He was the one we looked to for advice, and comedic relief.  We needed the REAL Leo. 

        And that's why, on November 16th, I snuck aboard the Argo II, stowed away in the stables, and set upon coming back with the real Leo. The Leo that everyone knew, and loved, and was frequently annoyed with. I sighed, We don't need any more di Angelo's. I just want my best friend back.

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