Chapter 6

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Leo's POV

This was bad. This was very bad. Leo had wanted to have Calypso lay low and avoid the golden couple for a while, then when Percy and Annabeth got used to the fact that she was there, Leo would re-introduce her. His master plan had fallen to pieces in the span of fifteen minutes.

"That's Calypso?' Annabeth asked. Everyone nodded. Annabeth scowled and stepped forward. CRACK! Her hand connected with Calypso's face. "How dare you come here! After cursing me and putting me through so much pain. You deserve to be locked up on that wretched island! Why are you even back? To steal Percy from me, I mean us, again!?"

Percy pulled Annabeth back, as Calypso's eyes bagan to brim with tears. A crowd was begining to form. She took a deep breath and began, "Annabeth, I'm really sorry for cursing you. I was just on that island for so long, that when Percy left me, I lashed out at the first person I thought of. I didn't think it would bring you any pain, and I'm sorry. Haven't you ever cursed someone unintentionally? You know, just to let out some anger?"

Annabeth slowly nodded. Everyone knew she had. When Percy had gone missing, Annabeth had thrown insults at every last person she could think of that had the slightest possibility of being responsible. Calypso, Gaea, Hera, Aphrodite, Ares, Zeus, Hades, Khione, the Titans, anyone at all.

Calypso gave a small smile and continued, "I'm not here to steal your boyfriend. I have a new boyfriend now, he helped me get over Percy and realize that I'm not destined to be alone. His name is Leo Valdez. He has told me alot about your heroic bouts and they are very impressive. I hope we can build a new bridge and become friends?"

Annabeth nodded, her mouth pulled into a tight line, and stalked away. Everyone let out a deep breath when they were sure she wasn't going to come back and go ape again. After seeing that no more drama was going to ensue, the crowd dispersed quickly.

Percy rubbed the back of his head akwardly, "Ummm, well, it's good to see you again, Calypso. Sorry for Annie's outburst."

Calypso shook her head. "Nothing to apologize for, Percy, I should not have cursed her the way I did. She had every right to be angry."

Percy nodded, "Yeah, well, anyway, I wish you and Leo the best. I'm gonna go find Annabeth. See you at dinner, guys!" Then he left.

Leo gave a small nod as he watched Percy jog away. "Way to tame the beast Callie!"

Calypso just laughed lightly, "Whatever, I'm just glad she isn't angry anymore. I feel really bad though, I didn't think my words would bring any destruction." She sighed, "I know she won't forgive me completly, but I'll work on her. Damage control. There may be tension in the air at first, but I hope we can be friends."

Leo smiled, "That's a good way to think about it. If you need any help just ask. Wanna go for a walk on the beach?"

Calypso smiled as an answer. They intwined thier hands and swung thier arms high and low. They started singing,

"15 green speckled frogs.

Sat on a speckled log.

Eating the most delicous flies.

Yum! Yum!

Then one jumped in the pool.

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are 14 green, speckled frogs.

Glug! Glug!

14 green speckled frogs.

Sat on a speckled log.

Eating the most delicious flies.

Yum! Yum!

Then one jumped in the pool.

Where it was nice and cool.

Now there are 13 green, speckled frogs.

Glug! Glug!

13 green speckled frogs....."

************line break*********

Watching them from behind a tree was a blond-haired girl. She scowled at first, but it wasn't long until her lips pulled up into a smile. They were a cute couple, and she was happy for Leo. Maybe Calypso really did mean what she said. Maybe Calypso was right. Maybe they could be friends.

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