Chapter 9

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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth was going to apologize to Calypso so hard, the girl's head was blown off. She was going to be so nice, Calypso would puke. She would hug that islander so much, her rib cage would break. Annabeth was going to kill her with kindness. With that in mind, the daughter of Athena set off towards Bunker NIne.

When she got there, she tugged on the door a little, just to realize, there was no door. She was trying to grab a rock. The only one who could get inside was Leo. Otherwise, you had to be with the son of Hephestaus for him to flame up the door, or have him open it from the inside.

She was this close to screaming for Leo to open up when she heard voices, Calypso and Leo. "Hey, she'll get over it eventually." That was Leo. "I *sob* know. But I had tried so hard to be friends and I messed it up in a five minutes." Yep, definitely Calypso.

Annabeth felt really bad. Everything she said was true. Calypso had never done anything wrong She had only tried to make things between them better and Annabeth had just jumped to conclusions. She sighed, Way to be wise, Annie. She was going to apologize to Calypso , no matter how much of a blow it took to her pride.

She knocked timidly on the door, "Umm, hey, Leo! Its me, Annabeth." Silence. "I'm here to apologize." More silence. "Please let me in, I'm not going to say it again, you little gnome!"

With a small chuckle, Leo opened the door. Calypso was standing shyly behind him. Annabeth shoved Leo out the door, and quickly twisted the lock so that she and Calypso were alone.

Calypso quickly put her arms in front of her face and started apologizing like crazy, "I'm so sorry for talking to Percy, Annabeth. And I shouldn't have embarassed you and said you had half a brain. I'll stop talking to Percy if that's what you want! I won't even come in a thirty feet radius of his cabin! If you want-!"

Annabeth cut her off, "Calypso, I wanted to say I was sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that and I definitely shouldn't have slapped you. Percy explained everything to me and he even kinda broke up with me for a while, you know, until I apologized to you."

Calypso dropped her arms slightly, showing Annabeth her wide eyes. "Are you serious?" Then her eyes narrowed, "Or is this a joke or prank or something? I'm sorry, Annabeth, but I don't really believe you."

Annabeth lowered her eyes, was this really how Calypso saw her? As a person who wouldn't apologize, who would just make a practical joke out of it? She would have to fix that.

"Calypso, I swear on the River Styx this isn't a prank. I really want to make things right. I just really love Percy, and I guess I handle it wrong."

"You can say that again." Calypso muttered. Annabeth glared a little and Calypso rolled her eyes, "Just sayin'."

Annabeth huffed, "Whatever. Anyway, are we good? Friends?"

Calypso raised her eyebrow, "No more slapping?"

The daughter of Athena gave a small smile, "No more slapping, I promise."

The demi-titan nodded, "Ok then. Friends." They shook hands and left Bunker Nine.

Leo was waiting outside, sitting against a tree. He picked up a blade of grass and lit it on fire. He watched it burn and then tossed the ash onto the grass. He did that to seeral more peices of grass before he finally noticed them there. "Sup, ladies?"

Calypso flicked a leaf at him, "Get up McShizzle, I want dinner."

"Whatevs." Leo shrugged, "I know you love me."

She sniffed, "Love is a strong word."

"How about highly like?"

"How about tolerate?" Annabeth cut in.

"I can accept that." Leo said, toeing the dirt.

Calypso rolled her eyes, "You need to raise your self esteem."

He smiled cheekily, "Baby it couldn't get higher!" They interlocked hands and started singing that ridiculous frog song again.

Fifteen green speckled frogs!

Sat on a speckled log!

Eating the most delicious flies!

Yum! Yum!

Then one jumped in the pool!

Where it was nice and cool!

Now there are 14 green, speckled frogs!

Glug! Glug!

Fourteen green speckled frogs!

Sat on a speckled log!"

Annabeth shook her head, they were so immature. It was kinda cute to watch them swing thier hands like that. That was probably how she and Percy looked when they were younger. Percy, she thought suddenly, I have to go tell him about me and Calypso.

"We're going to dinner, ok?" Leo asked.

Annabeth nodded, "Ok. I'll see you at the campfire."

Calypso smiled and nodded over her shoulder, "See you later, Annie!" Annabeth didn't even have time to tell her she hated that name, because she and Leo had already started running for the dinner pavilion.

Time to get my Seaweed Brain back

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