Chapter 12 - Breakfast

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Amelia's pov

We had gone down stairs. Mom seemed upset. Dad was giggling about something.
" Its not funny Damon."

"Oh, yes it is. It seems that someone heard you. You got caught getting your little blackmail pictures. I'm just glad someone caught you. I mean not even I your mate can make you stop. I'm positive that you will just start again."

"But he broke my phone.  Shattered into pieces.  There is no way I'm getting those pictures back."

"Jelly bean we all know you have a back up phone a d that's the one that broke."

Then I thud. She probably just snaked him.

"Morning mom, dad."

"Amelia tell your mate not to brake others things."

"Why would I tell him to do that if I told him to do something about it?"

"Amelia you wouldn't do that to your mommy would you?"

"Uh yeah. I cought you and I didn't want to chase you down so I asked him to."

"Uh.... "

I'm sure her mouth is wide open. Then someone came up behind me. Pulling me into a hug.

"Sis it's not nice to bully mommy."

"Tyler don't be like that she started it. She taking it for blackmail later on."

Two steps of footsteps entered the room.

"You know she right Tyler. Think about all the pictures she has so she can embarrass us once we meet our mates. I can't think about that idea. It makes shivers go up and down my spine."

A chair made some noise when I guessing my dad got up from his seat. He walked towards Alex I guess.  He was whispering I guess to keep everything between him and Alex. But oh lucky me can pick up in. Thanks to my way better then anyone else in this room hearing.

"Nice of you to join us Alex. I'm not gonna push but when your ready to talk. Please just talk to someone okay."

Then he raised his voice I'm guessing to leave the room.

"I've got work to do so I'll see you later. Have to file a report about the fight yesterday. We'll have to figure out a compromise on when you will leave these lands Mr. Black."

"I see we agree Mr. Silvermoon. We'll talk when your done. See you then."

I had forgotten I'd have to leave my home. I'll have to get use to the new environment.  I hate that idea. I mean sure I want to be with my mate but still I'm blind.  I remember the time Alex moved my stuff around in my room. I ran into it every time.

I wish I could see. It be so much easier on everyone. I wish I could see like the me of my dreams.

Maximus must have sensed that something was wrong. He slide his long arms around my body. He rested his head in my neck. This was calming I felt relaxed here inside his arms. Like nothing could get to me. I was protected and wanted. His breathing was easy to match like this. I mean sure he was way taller.

I bet he's around 6 ft 5. I mean i myself are 5 ft 9. My brother Alex is 6 ft 2. Thank my dad for being tall. I mean when I get a hug from my mom it's just her rapping her arms around my waist. While mine are rapped around her head or neck. I mean even Tyler is taller then she is. He's 5 ft 5 as a 12 year old. That's saying something about her height don't ya think?

Then Maximus spoke straight into my year. My heart skipped a beat.

"What do you want to eat Amelia? Your mom made pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, apple slices, and banana slices."

What do I want? Hum.... good question.

"Egg pancake!"

Now for those who don't know what and egg pancake is. Its something my mom made when me and Alex were younger. It was complete accident.  She was making scrambled eggs and ended up forgetting to scramble them. Alex said it looked like a pancake so that's what we called it.

" Egg pancake it is Amelia. Give me a second I was just making scrambled so its gonna take a little extra time love."

"That's fine mom."

"What's an egg pancake?"

I'm sure everyone heads turned to face Levi. I mean we all knew what they were. But they didn't and I'm sure Maximus was confused just not opening his mouth about it.

"I mean Maximus was probably thinking the same thing. I just asked first."

"Well an egg pancake in short is just an omelet with nothing on in or side it. It was Alex's idea to call it that. Him and Amelia were about 5 years old. I wasn't really focused on cooking and looked away. Then entire bottom of the orginial scrambled eggs was fully cooked along with some of the top. So then Alex walked over and said it looked like a pancake so we call them egg pancakes as a joke."

"That make sense Luna Jillian."

"Drop the Luna please I hate it. My husband understand that factor as well as my pack so they don't use it unless there is a formal meeting or party. This is neither and your family now so it doesn't matter."

I'm sure he nodded and agreed no point to in fighting with her.  She may not be a witch but she sure knows how to use the magic the moon goddess gave her. She's been working on it for years now. I mean sure she had us 18 which makes her 36 since it was 18 years ago now. (A/N: sorry about the the math I don't remember what age I put the twins at. And I'm pretty sure in thee 1st book Jillian was 18. I didn't give her another birthday.)

Maximus's arms slid off my waist. I think he went to pick up our plates.

I could smell the bacon and apple slices sound good.

"About the other choices to eat what do you want Amelia?"

"Um 1 pancake, 3 slices of bacon, and 3 apples slices sounds good."


He moved quickly because next thing I new he was guiding me the rest of the way to the table. He put me in a seat and set beside me. Usually I'd sit on a side by myself so that's different. Then we ate our breakfast.

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