Chapter 11 - Calm Down

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A/n: Lincoln's wolf (Cadman)

Amelia's pov

I woke up trapped in something. What happen the last thing I remember is crying on Maximus's shoulder. Wait a werewolves grip is strong and gets stronger and more protective when their mate is in their arms. So that might explain not being able to move.

I can't stretch out because he's completely got me in a locked grip.

I want to check on my brother. I really what to check on him. Maybe he's up and feeling better.

I tried to move out of his grip only to receive a growl in return.

Well there goes one attempt. Should I try to move again or not? I sigh because there was no true point. I mean I felt safe so why leave? I just layer there. Then I heard a click. Wait mom. He double hockey sticks. She's taking blackmail pictures. Well either I let her do that or I do something to stop her. I hate when she takes pictures. I mean I fell wierd not knowing what I look like. Wouldn't that bother anyone else. This time I'm on a mission to get out of his grip. I released my arms first. Then I searched for his arms unlocking his grip on me. This was working until he stirred and mumbled.


He sounds so hot.

"No my mom is taking pictures of us sleeping for blackmail later."

"Whatever just sleep."

"You're no help at all. Remember that both of us are in the pictures. Mr. Big Bad Alpha King. Who never lets anyone have the upper hand on him."

He grumbled and got up.

"Fine you win. I'm up. Damn why can't I sleep just a little longer."

He must have stretched because it took him a second. Then he reached out for me helping me up.

" Now what do you want?"

"Attitude much I just told you. Mom was taking pictures of us sleeping."


"She's gonna use them for blackmail. I'm guessing mainly against you due to the fact your the Alpha king."

He definitely had to think of a comeback from the point.

"Fine you win."

His steps slowly disappeared from my hearing. I took this time to rush upstairs.
I got to where Alex's room should be a listened. There were two heartbeats. Cute if I do say so myself. Levi must have been told by mom that it was okay to be near his mate when this happened. I want Alex to tell me what's wrong with him. We only had one issue we never talk about. The day he was missing for what seemed like forever. What could have happened to him to not trust anyone or his own body.

> Amelia he'll talk when he's ready.<

> it's been what 10 years since that day and he still hasn't told anyone. Aasemah he still won't talk. I just wanna know what's wrong with him.<

> whatever it is he's gonna probably tell it soon. I don't think our mum's gonna live long without him telling what's wrong. <

I sighed Aasemah had a good point. He'd talk when he was ready not when everybody else was ready. He always had and probably always will.

I turn around into something.

"Its not nice to spy on others, mate."

"I wasn't spying I was checking on my brother. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing just joking around with you."

I rolled my eyes. Sure I might not be able to see but I sure as hell can roll my damn eyes ten ways until Tuesday.

" Aw is someone upset?"


I stated it clearly and then tried to walk by him. He grabbed my arm and spun me into the wall.

"You know I don't like your attitude right now. I was trying to be funny. Then you go and blow me off."

I think he's the one upset not me.

I don't like this he's fuming. His grip on my arm is getting stronger.

" Please stop your scaring her."

That voice it's Andrus.

" I have the feeling to rip your throat out but I won't because then my sister would be upset. I really don't want her upset because I killed her mate. But I will not put up with the way your treating her now. She's blind not dead to emotions you ... you... ugh you dumbass."

Andrus was pissed off not good for anyone.

" Pup I don't like your attitude at all. She's my mate do mind your own business."

Maximus's voice was lower and more alpha toned then before.

Um.... Levi good time to save your mate before he gets himself killed.

But it seemed like he was still asleep. Maximus grip lightened. I slid down the wall. And finally caught my breath. But it was getting to tense for me to handle. I was set in panic mode.

What do I do?!

Mom powers I don't have many but I can hopefully calm everyone down right? Please work. I thought of my brother in his room and the door shut and locked. Easy right? Not. He was still there a fuming upset mess.

Fine how about. I use calming magic. Mom said it's rare and I might not have it but it's worth a try right.

What seems calming to me. An open field near a castle. With lots of children playing around.

Slowly push this calming since out. Make everyone feel as calm as we do here.

Oh please work.

Slowly but surely. They both seemed to calm down. Someone ran over to me. Their head went into my neck which ment it was Maximus.

" I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Amelia please don't be upset I'm sorry."

I nodded feeling happy that they calmed down. I think I might have woke up Levi. I don't think my brother mind because I heard the door shut and their hearts speed up a bit.

"Let's go get something to eat I'm hungry."

"Okay mate."

With that we went downstairs.

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