For Whom The Bell Tolls

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Salvatore Boarding House

I'm talking to Caroline on the phone.

Please tell me I wasn't out of my mind leaving Damon in charge of Vampire Amnesia 101? "I asked her.

What did he say exactly? "She asked.

One text – "So far, so good." Which, in Damon speak... "I trailed.

Means that they probably devoured a troop of Girls Scouts by now. "She said.

Caroline! "I scolded.

I'm kidding...kind of. Although it's not uncommon for patients with retrograde amnesia or other traumatic brain injuries to turn volatile. "She said.

Okay, Dr. Forbes. Since when do you know so much about amnesia? "I asked.

It's possible I studied up on my chem, biochem, applied microbio, molecular bio, and Grey's Anatomy—the real one and the television show. "She said.

You did all that for Stefan?. "I questioned surprised.

Of course I did. I'm also trying to impress Dr. Maxfield. I figured if I could get closer to him, i.e. into his biology class, maybe I could figure out why he covered up our roommate's murder by vampire, and it's also possible that I have a study buddy. "She explained.

Hi, Dr. Maxfield. Are you ready to go study, Jesse? "I heard her say.

Jesse? Dr. Maxfield's incredibly hot, funny, and miraculously single lab assistant? "I asked smirking.

I'm dragging him to our hometown graveyard bell-ringing ceremony. "She said.

As in creepy first date? "I said.

As in a study date. While I'm there, I might as well ring a bell for Tyler and me considering our relationship is on its death bed. "She said.

I shook my head.

Will I see you there? You could bring Stefan. I mean, it is ironically called "Remembrance Day". "She said.

I hope so, I really do. It just depends on how Stefan's handling the whole download of his dark and stormy past. "I told her.

All right. Well, I'll talk to you later. "She said.

She hung up.

10 Mins Later

Mystic Grill

Me and Elena walk in.

We see Stefan and Damon, and we walk over to them.

And there I thought catching up on nearly two centuries would be a drag. "Elena said to them.

Remind me of your name again. "Stefan said.

Elena looks a little hurt.

Elena. "She answered.

Elena. Right. "He said.

Ouch. "I whisperd.

You haven't told him about me? "Elena questioned him.

Well two hundred years is a long time, Elena. "I told her.

The bell rings.

Damon drinks.

Right. Well... "Elena started.

Elena drinks.

And your Emely, right? "Stefan asked me smiling.

Elena looked more hurt.

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