While You Were Sleeping/Live And Let Die

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New Orleans

So you want me to check on who? "I asked Davina.

Marcel and Josh. The werewolves and witches are teamed up. They might go after the vampires. "She said.

I look at her skeptically.

Please. It would mean a lot. "She said pleading.

Ok, fine. "I said sighing.

She smiled.

Thank you. "She said happily.

Ok, send me a picture of them. "I told her.

She looked at me confused.

So I can know who I'm checking in on. "I said laughing.

Oh right. Sorry. There sent. "She said.

My phone buzzed.


Dang he's cute

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Dang he's cute. "I told her smiling.

And he's gay. "She responded laughing.

I pouted playfully.


Jesus, Davina

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Jesus, Davina. "I said.

What? "She asked worriedly.

You have some hot friends. "I told her laughing.

She shoved me playfully.

So why are you helping me, when your sister needs your help? "She asked.

I don't want to get in to that. "I told her sighing.

She nodded.

I'll let you know if anything happens. "I told her.

Ok. "She said.

20 Mins Later

Marcel's Loft

I walked down and saw a big building.

I hear a window shatter.

I astral projected myself self in the building hiding.

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