Total Eclispe Of The Heart

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I walk into my next class, followed by Caroline, Elena and Bonnie.

So we all agree? No more moping about life's little failures and no more dabbling the dark arts of boyfriends past. This is a fresh start. "Caroline said.

She turns to face us.

Couldn't agree more. I happen to love fresh starts. "Elena said.

Um, I haven't been moping or dabbling. "Bonnie said.

No one likes a bragger, Bonnie. "Caroline said.

We sit down at our desks.

Bonnie is standing and looking at a girl.

The girl has her bag in the chair.

Hey, move it or lose it. "I told the girl.

She looked at me, and she rolled her eyes.

She throws her purse on the floor in with attitude.

Great. Thanks. Appreciate it. "Bonnie said sarcastically.

Today is the dawning of a new era. This is stage one of our metamorphosis into the land of the brave, the free, and the single. "Caroline said.

Bonnie's not single. "Elena said.

Bonnie's best friends are single, which makes her single adjacent. So she can be our wingwoman. "Caroline said.

I rolled my eyes.

She pulls out a flyer and gives it to Elena.

Whitmore's Annual Bitter Ball, a night to celebrate broken hearts, jilted lovers, and bitter singles.' This is our fresh start? "I questioned looking at the flyer.

No. This is our purge, our cleanse. This is where we rid ourselves from the baggage better known as our tragic and mortifying first semester. "Caroline rambled.

I zoned out and stared off into to space.

Bonnie! Emely! "Caroline yelled.

I jumped.

Are you guys in? "Elena asked.

Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like fun. "Bonnie answered.

I just nodded.


I walk in.

Good! You're back! I need your help. "Elena said smiling.

She picks two different pairs of earrings from her dresser and shows them to me.

Diamond or dangly? "She asked.

Since when do you accessorize? "I questioned confused.

Since she's being conned to go to the Bitter Ball with her sister and best friend Susie Sunshine. "She said.

She turns around to look at herself in the mirror removing her earrings.

Look. You're not fooling anyone. I know that you're faking it. "I told her sighing.

Faking? In what? "She asked turning quickly.

Please. It is so obvious. I appreciate it, I do, but you know I'm on edge because of the whole Damon-Tyler-Klaus thing, so you are pretending that me breaking with Damon was no big deal. "I told her.

She didn't say anything.

Look, Elena. You don't have to pretend with me. "I told her.

We sit on the bed.

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