4 Weeks Later

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10:00 AM

I look digusting.

Here I am puking my lungs out in Caroline's toilet.

Caroline and bonnie are trying to help me figure out what's going on.

Bonnie is holding my hair back.

What is wrong with me? "I asked groaning.

I dont know. "Bonnie said sighing.

Caroline walked in the bathroom with a cup of water.

Here. "She said.

She gave me a pill.

What is it? "I asked.

Tylenol. "She answered.

We both looked at her.

What? We dont know what's wrong, so I dont want to give you anything that could hurt you. "She said rambled.

Caroline. "I called.

Yeah. "She said smiling.

I'm a vampire. "I told her slowly.

Her smiled dropped.

Right. "She said smacking her forehead.

I appreciate the thought. Thanks. "I told her.

10 Mins Later

We are in Caroline's room.

Bonnie has me in a circle and she's chanting.

So how are You and Damon? "Caroline asked.

Are you really asking or cutting the tension? "I asked.

Tension. "She answered.

Yea ok. "I said laughing.

She laughed too.

Oh my god. "Bonnie gasped.

What? "We asked.

Bonnie put her hand on my stomach.

Bonnie what is it? "Caroline asked worriedly.

Bonnie your scaring me. "I said worriedly.

Bonnie put her hand to her mouth.

Emely.....your pregnant. "She said quietly.

But me and Caroline heard her perfectly.

What!?! "We said shocked.

Wait? "She said confused.

Bonnie your wrong. I'm a vampire, I cant be. "I told her panicking.

I stood up and started pacing.

I can feel it emely. There's two of them. "She said softly.

Two! "We yelled.

Oh my god. There from different dads. "She said shocked.

I don't feel so good. "I said feeling dizzy.

Emely. You need to breath. "Caroline said.

I'm gonna be a mom. "I said shocked.

Oh god.

Two dads?

Damon and Klaus............

Emely your four weeks pregnant. "Bonnie said.

But her voice started fading away.

What am I going to do?

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