Goodbye For Now

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I'm packing my things in the guest room.

I sighed.

There's more drama here, than in Mystic Falls.

Silas is the least of my problems.

You know. It's kind of creepy just to stand there. "I stated.

Leaving so soon. "Klaus said.

I have too. My family needs me. "I told him.
Yes, they always seem to need you. But when you need them, where are they? "He asked.

Is there a point? "I asked annoyed.

I put more clothes in my bag.

He grabs my wrist and I look at him.

Yes. If you ever need a home. Your always welcomed here. "He said.

I heard gentleness in his voice.

I smiled.

You know that girl Cami. You should really go for her. I can see the light in your eyes when you see her. "I told him smiling.

Who told you about Camille? "He asked sternly.

No one. I met her at the bar. It's really sad about her uncle. But you need to be there for her. "I told him softly.

He nodded.

I grabbed the last of my things.

And I hugged him.
He tensed up but hugged back.

I walked towards the door.

I'm sorry we never got the day were supposed to have. "I told him softly.

You remembered? "He asked surprised.

Of course. Don't worry soon enough we'll get it. "I told him.

I smiled at him.

And I turned and walked down the compound.

Elijah was downstairs.

Third Person Pov

Hey. "Emely said softly.

Elijah looked up.

Going somewhere? "Elijah asked.

He noticed her belongings.

Home. "She answered.

Elijah seemed saddened by the fact.

Of course. Family Always and Forever. "Elijah told her.
Yeah, Always and Forever. "Emely whispered.

May you get home safely. "Elijah told her.
Take care of Hayley. I know you have feelings for her Elijah. "Emely stated.

Elijah was surprised.

Sure he had feelings for hayley, but he was still in love with Emely.

As was Klaus.

Klaus can hear they're conversation from the room.

And Hayley was on the balcony unseen by them.

She was surprised.

Emely smiled at Elijah.

And he smiled back.

She kissed his cheek.

Klaus smiled from the room

Then Emely flashed her way back home.

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