The Cell

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Jesse And Aaron's Room

I knock on the door.

Aaron opens it.

Aaron. Hey! "I said softly.

Hey. So, you heard? "He asked.

Heard what? "I asked confused.

That Jesse's dead. He killed himself last night. Campus security came by to tell me. "He said.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. "I said sincerely.

He moves away from the door to let me in.

What's up with this college? It's supposed to be different. I came here to start fresh, get away from all the crap in my past. "He said.

I close the door.

I get it. After everything you've been through, everything that you've lost, I would want to start over too. "I told him.

How do you hit the reset button? "He asked.

I look at him surprised.

Me? I-- I haven't reset anything. All my problems, they've followed me here. Come to think of it, I'm probably not the right person to be getting advice from. "I told him

So, if you're not here about Jesse, uh, why are you here? "He asked.

I don't wanna bother you, especially not right now. "I told him.

My day's not gonna get any worse, so, uh, go ahead. "He said.

Okay. Well, um, last night, you told me that Wes was your legal guardian. "I stated.

Yeah. Since past summer after my aunt Sara died. You see what I'm talking about? Everyone around me ends up dead, and my sunny disposition makes me so many friends. It's-- I'm sorry. Go ahead. "He said.

Um, the thing is my boyfriend Damon went to talk to Wes last night, and no one's really seen or heard from either of them since and that kind of worries me, you know? So I-- I know how bad the timing, is but I just-- I was hoping maybe you could help me find Wes. "I told him worriedly.

Yeah. Yeah. I think I know a place where we can look. "He said.


Me, Elena and Aaron are walking together.

I told her he's gonna help us find Damon, and she came along.

Just doesn't make sense why Jesse would kill himself. "Aaron said.

So, you believe what campus security told you? "Elena asked.

Why, do you know something else? "Aaron asked.

No she doesn't. "I said glaring at Elena.

She ignored me.

Don't you think it's weird that both of your friends committed suicide before the first semester was even over? "Elena asked.

I sighed.

Yeah, of course I think it's weird. Jesse loved it here, he had a huge crush on your friend. Megan had all these plans for her life. "Aaron said.

Which is why none of this makes sense. "Elena said.

We stop walking and Elena stand in front of him.

Aaron, look. We found Megan's body the night that she died. She was murdered, and Wes forged her death certificate. "Elena told him.

I guess we're telling him him everything now.

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