Chapter 2

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Indie's pov

We spent a week or so unpacking and unboxing everything, I had met the neighbours, they were really nice. There is a boy next door named Nole that is a little younger, in the fourth grade and he's terribly adorable. They also own a dog and I offered to take it for walks if they ever needed me to. I hadn't met our other neighbours because apparently they were away on a holiday but they were going to return to their house soon. I had driven a couple of times, I'm still a little shaky with it and find it intimidating to park, but it's getting easier—slowly.

School starts today, I can't say I'm not nervous. I'm glad that I'm not transferring half way through a term or anything, I'm glad that I probably won't be the only new kid.

"You sure you don't want me driving? You're still getting used to the roads and—" I cut my mum off before she can convince me, I've got to do this one on my own.

"Mum, I'll be fine. I've got to get used to this." I assure her and give her a quick kiss on the cheek before shutting the door behind me and walking out to my car. My dad had already started his job as a financial adviser and had left around 7:00am.

I unlock my car and hop in, swinging my bag inside and sitting down. I take a small breath, I look at my phone quickly and check to see if Andrew has texted. I haven't texted him back since being on the plane, I feel terrible, he has sent so many texts. I look over them, they are a bunch of, 'hey babes' and 'I miss you babe' and 'why aren't you replying babes'

Me: hey Andrew, sorry I haven't replied.. things have been hectic and moving in has taken up so much of my time

He doesn't text back straight away, I don't even know what the time is in Australia either, I hope he is asleep and he can wake up to the text so he doesn't try text me in class all day.

I make my way to school, it's only about six minutes worth of a drive. I make it to the entrance and enter the parking area, I make an attempt to park.

I watch a couple of boys walk past, they have black ink covering their arms like sleeves, they watch me as I start to wind my window down and peek my head out of it to see if I have parked straight. I watch as one of the boys there stops walking and stands still and lets out a laugh, pointing towards me, I can't see their faces clearly but I can hear their deep accents as they slightly laugh.

"God damn learn how to park." He mumbles, not even seeing who I am, I go to speak and defend myself but he continues walking with his friends out of the carparks. I find myself really embarrassed as I step out of my car and look at it, I'm clearly over the white  and I need to move it again. I hop in and finally straighten the car up after what feels like twenty years of concentration.

I quickly shut my car door and lock it when I exit out, I pull my bag onto my back and it suddenly feels like the whole world is watching me.

It takes about twenty minutes to figure out what I'm doing but I finally make it to my class, it took a little asking around to find, but I finally did.

I walk up to the door of a small classroom with the number 608, I stand by the door as the teacher stares at me.

"Come in." His tone sounds irritated but his facial expression doesn't show it. I walk to a seat towards the seconds row in the back and place my bag down besides me.

"Hey pretty hair." I hear a voice behind me, I turn around and look at the boy talking to me, he has a small smirk plastered on his face and his smile is definitely sneaky. I look at his dirty blonde hair, the brown roots seeping in, its all messy and straight, it's almost like s fringe on him, but I guess it suits. I look at his green eyes, his hand comes to his face and he leans on his hand as I stare. I didn't notice him when I was walking in, probably because I was late and kind of worried. I give him a small smile.

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