Chapter 2: Ground Rules

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Waking up in the sofa, wasn't exactly what Karina (the name Alex had given her) had in mind. But she thought it was better than nothing.

Last night, just before she went to sleep, she remembered what Alex's "fair" ground rules were for her to stay.

"Welcome to Los Angeles," he said as he sat down on the couch grinning, "the place named for angels though ironically most people sign their soul to the devil and I guess you're not an angel anymore".


"I'll tell you later, let's just get to the ground rules shall we. Number one, you're going to be like some house cleaner for me while I'm out, or if I tell you to. Pick up the garbage, do the laundry. You're also going to have to cook, I'm that nice. Make your own food, sometimes make me dinner. It gives you something to do. That's how you're earning your stay here. Take it or leave it."

Karina remembered how serious he looked when he said that, his face completely grave. Her face, though, was puzzled. I guess she just assumed she would've stayed for free. She was wrong, and she knew that, but even after her protests, she agreed. This deal was better than nothing and obviously much better than staying the night with some drunken middle-aged men. Shivering at that thought, Karina sat up, pulling the blanket off of her chest.

His next rule was a selfish one, and the reason why she slept on his couch.

"The next rule is that I sleep in my room, you sleep here," he pointed to the sofa they were sitting on, "this very sofa. Just because I saved your ass doesn't mean this is some fairy tale where I am your prince, though I doubt you can even remember what a fairy tale is. You're not allowed in my room, whatsoever."

Again, she had looked at Alex like he had two heads. When they entered, she snuck a peek at his room and she was pretty sure it was big enough for both of them to sleep on it. But it would've been too weird for a boy and girl to sleep in the same room. Especially since they were strangers. Though she had a feeling that it was more about Alex's ego.

She snapped out of her thoughts and got up slowly, turning around to face the kitchen. Apparently, there wasn't any food left out for her. Not wanting to sound needy, Karina walked over to the fridge and took out what looked to be a kind of fruit. Peeling the orange skin from the outside, she glanced at the bedroom door down the hall. It was shut, sealed, locked. Was he paranoid or something? Then again, his last rule did make him look a bit anxious, maybe worried.

"Then here's the final golden rule that you have to listen to, even if you decide to be a lazy freeloader," Alex said, he tapped his fingers against the sofa end. Karina waited, looking at him intently, hanging onto every word like she needed it. If he said it was important, then it was.

"You may be more safe here than on the streets, but promise me that by no means do you leave this building-let's make it this room unless I'm with you. This may be safe, but not entirely. Don't think for one stupid second you are, and be on alert. Do whatever I say. Do I make myself clear?"

She nodded in reply and then Alex had grinned and yawned. She watched him silently as he opened the door to his room and slipped inside.

What was she supposed to do then? Her mind was too restless to fall asleep. Then a few minutes later he came back with a gray cotton blanket.

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