Chapter 9: Fire Away

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Aria woke up with a startle. The daylight from the window had woken her up. As she began to move her head throbbed.


“Finally,” she heard Alex say, “you're up."


Aria turned her head to see Alex on a stool in the kitchen. He was playing with one his keys, turning it around and around. Once it finished its full 360, he snatched it up, throwing it in the air before he caught it.


His spectacle of his skills led to a glare Aria's way.


“Do you have any idea what time it is? It’s the afternoon. What happened to breakfast? I’m starving,” He said in a bossy tone as he got up.


“It is! Hold on I’ll get right to it,” she said as she jumped right up causing her to wobble a little.


This didn't go unnoticed by Alex. He saw it, hesitated, and then held her eyes with his.


“Hey you alright?” he said concerned.


“I’m fine don’t worry”.


Alex didn’t respond he just watched her as she opened the fridge taking out ingredients.


“Hmm,” he said, “well I’ll be in my room. Knock on my door when the food is ready and hurry up because we are going somewhere soon."




Alex walked to his room locking it behind him like always. Why does he always have to do that?


Not dwelling on the subject too much she got back to work, rolling her large sweatshirt sleeves up to her elbows.




She finally drizzled the last of sauce over her salsbury steak and set the table.


Aria softly knocked at Alex's door. After thinking he wasn't going to answer, the door flung open and Alex was walking towards his desk.


"Coming," he said gruffly, almost reluctant.


As he was walking, Aria poked her head a little just to see what his room looked like. But before she could process it Alex flicked her on her forehead.


“Hey, what was that for?” she said as she rubbed her forehead.


Alex closed the door behind him, “Remember you can’t enter my room”.


“But I didn’t”.

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