Chapter 6: Past

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On the way down the street Alex couldn't help but think of his past.

All this time, Alex hadn't given it a second thought or remember it just for feeling something until now, when Karina had brought it up.


She really had no idea, and he wanted to keep it that way. He just wished he had no clue about it either.

When he was about ten his parents started to give up on him. Well at least one of them did.

He was hardly even at three months old when someone who was going to be a part of his family left him. According to his mom, she had told his dad the news and soon after, they got into a fight.

His dad later flew out the door as soon as he had learned about his mother's pregnancy. Although he might have been a bit young when this happened, it still stung him deep down that he wasn’t even breathing the same air as his father and his dad had already decided to hate him. 

Lamenting on the past, Alex recalled how he was growing up. What he became. What Aria sees what he is. He was just glad she could never see his past, only the result.


Alex was a trouble marker. He hardly cared about anyone's feelings. If he did he was just using the person for his benefit and his benefit alone. It was the endless cycle he got himself used to, the habit driving him to step outside the door and not give a damn.

Everything was just plain boring. It wasn’t in his interests and soon enough, he stopped paid attention altogether when the teacher was talking or teaching a lesson.  

He had no gifts or talents unless you call ruining someone's day just by the sight of him. In all honesty, Alex could care less what others would think or whisper to one another about him. He know just what he was and was not capable of.  

Everyday he had detention, and everyday he would sit in the far left corner desk of the classroom in reverent silence.That is until he manages to slip out right under the teachers’ noses. Most of the teachers didn't even bother to watch him because he would just escape anyway.

Alex didn't give one damn about his future. While his mother didn't give one damn about him. In Alex’s mind, it was a mutual feeling. Sometimes he wondered why his mother hadn’t walked out on him, but he knew in the deepest crypts of his mind that he wouldn’t want that, but felt it would happen soon.

Moms were supposed to be caring and cook dinner and ask about his day once their children came home.


Alex’s mom easily won worst mom of the millennia by not doing any of those things, and by also doing much worse. She developed a couple of bad habits. For example, she would smoke and stench the place up every hour of the day when she was home. Beers, vodka, whiskey, you name it, would be littered on the floor and every night a new man would walk into the house like he owned the place and his mother.


When his mother, does she even deserve to be called that? Wouldn't beat him, one of her drunken boyfriends would. She would call him names and throw beer bottles at him each time he slipped up in a class, learned of his reputation, or for anything he didn’t do or could help.


After all, she made him to become like this.

He would dodge bottles and her flasks, but her words would hit her mark each time. It was a bulls-eyes each time in his heart and it always would affect Alex.

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