Chapter 5

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I saw a flash of yellow and gold and I slowly walked forward only for it to cross me again, but I waited for it to pass twice more and then crossed in-between with it passing me behind, and then it went forward and at me but I had a sudden feeling that I should stand there and not let this opportunity pass me by, so I stood there as the yellow golden flash came at me and then it's fur changed and it turned gold. I put out my hands expecting it to ran into me at full speed and pulverize me, but then I felt the wind stop and something furry touched my hand. 

I opened my eyes to see a lion twice as big as a regular lion and almost three or four times bigger than me and it had it's face against my hand with it's eyes closed. 

"Your ancient aren't you" I asked it and it opened it's eyes to reveal a warmth of endless fire threatening to consume my heart, and it nodded and then turned walking off. I rushed after it and then the scenery changed and it became what looked like a house and there were hundreds, no more than hundreds of lions in there and they all parted before the bigger lion in-front of me. I looked at all of them as they passed to see Brown, Blue, Red, Gold, Yellow, and a little Green and Silver before they bowed in my wake. 

Then we came to a big figure, a lady in a big golden throne with lions in her lap and the other lion bent down low in a bow like the others, and I did the same after a moment of confusion, shock, and wonder. 

"So this is who you chose as my champion and successor" the lady said in a powerful but calm and gentle voice and it was soothing, but the lion stood and nodded in agreement looking at me "but she's a--" it roared cutting her off, but it wasn't a warning roar it was a knowing and respectful roar. It was hard to describe but I just knew, and I felt something new in my heart for this and all the other lions here. 

"Hi" was all I could say before hiding behind my lion sheepishly, and her fur was so calming and soft like Lyn's. 

"Hi young one, come out into the open, I want to see my princess" the lady said and I stepped out and looked down and a hand came under my chin making my face go up and I realized that the lady had shrunk and was now human size and kneeling in-front of me lifting my head up to look at her "my name is Rhea, and my good friend Astra has lead you to me as her and my chosen to be my champion, princess, and queen someday when I fade, do you accept" 

I looked at my lion and she had hopeful and bright warming eyes before nodding in agreement and encouragement. 

"Yes Rhea, I accept" and as soon as I said it her hand covered my face and I felt stronger, more agile, and better than I had already been.

"You are now my princess and claimed champion, and your powers are to call upon lions for help and change into a Nemian Lion due to your shifting blessing as you call it, you are the partial titan princess of Fertility, Generation, Motherhood, and Lions plus the other titles you may soon earn" Rhea said and I hugged her leg before that world faded with one last look from my lion and light flooded my vision, but before I woke up I heard her say "I gift you with an enchanted weapon that can turn into anything that you want it to be along with your necklace of armor and your other enchanted silver bracelet from another mistress who you will learn about soon also" 

--End Dream--

Four Years later (in middle school) 

I had to go to regular school since mom didn't want me in the house not making friends, or going outside to find any often. I said that I didn't need any and that I was fine on my own, but she didn't want any of that so she sent me packin' for high school. Though three weeks in I made my first friend and he insisted on calling him Grover instead of Satyr, which he reeked of and it made me hungry for an odd reason. Then it was near the middle of the school and we went on a field trip with who I was found out to be Chiron, who smelled like a horse and an immortal human, and Mrs. Dodds, who smelled like anger, fire, and leather. We went to a Greek museum and the trip didn't cost anything for me or Grover for some reason, but the others had to pay and surprisingly they didn't complain about the un-fairness of us not having to pay and them needing to for it. 

We were about halfway through the day in the museum when I saw Mrs. Dodds looking at me in hate and annoyance, and I went over to her and pointed to her, me, and then I walked into a back room. When we got in there I turned on her and pulled at my left bracelet which unclipped and turned into a bronze dagger without me needing to think about the weapon that I wanted it to be, while pinning her against the wall and putting it at her heart blocking it from people who might come in to see us. 

"Why do you stare at me like you do monster" I said and she seemed shocked before her skin seemed to rip apart and she tried to fly up to pin me, but I caught her leg and threw her to the floor without an ounce of strength. Then I re-morphed my dagger into a sword and drove it into her wing up to half the blade and into the concrete below. 

"You are wanted by the monsters of the world for stealing the light of the stormy sky, and everything and everyone that you trust and see are going to want to know where it is, even if they have to destroy your will to get it" she sneered and that was all I needed to know before I took out my sword pretending to be in shock while turning away from her and then quickly turning and cutting her diagonally in half as she stood and prepared to try and fly again. She exploded into dust like my father had when someone killed him, but I didn't let his death cloud me. The arrow framed in my room was a reminder of him, a reminder of what I was, and a reminder of the vow to avenge him till my last breath. 

" Thanks" I said walking out leaving her dust to blow around the room from the open windows on the top of the cement-brick walls, and I tapped the hilt of my sword against my wrist and it turned into the familiar golden bracelet that made a click as it wrapped around and secured itself to my wrist again like my silver bracelet which I found only turns to an enchanted bow not needing arrows but making them as I pull the string and get my fingers in the right position, or three different knives, a dagger, a hunting knife, or a partial arm-length short-sword. 

I found out that once a monster has been killed, usually by me, their existance in the mortal world is non-existent and they are just a hole in their memory or not there at all, either are really helpful, and then there was Grover. He would know what I've done, or he'll not and will be confused for a while until I told him what I've done. The rest of the field-trip went by nicely with me having to answer a few questions, and then going home looking at the arrow, eating dinner, and going to be alone while mom was at her Office job. 

About a month later Grover came to my house and it was the only day that we both had off from work and school and he talked to mother for a little while before she came out of the room with a grim look and then she kissed me goodbye and told Grover to take care of me and it felt more like a long term goodbye than a mere short trip goodbye. Grover drove with his hooves since I knew what he was and every time he tried to push at how I knew but I just passed it by, ignored it, or came up with a half truth about suspicions and short flashes from time to time as he scratched his sides or just above his hooves. I turned on the radio and listened to music until it was interrupted by static, and a lady's voice came through the speaker.

Late yesterday morning there was an attack on one thirty one lake east apartments floor three apartment nine due to a vicious dog attack, and crime investigators are still trying to figure out why this happened but there has been one death I held my breath hoping that it wasn't Sally, my mother Sally Jackson was the only casualty of the building, and we are searching for a Grover Underwood and a Persephone Jackson who are still unaccounted for-- Grover cut off the radio before she could say anything more but I wasn't caring about that I was spilling tears with Grover rubbing my back mumbling words which sounded like encouragement. I cried for my lost mother, I cried for my lost father, and I cried as I realized that mom had given me my framed arrow before we left which was on my lap, and I cried for the fact that I could've helped her if I was there, I could've helped her and this wouldn't have happened.  Grover tried to tell me that I would've been killed too if I was there to try and protect her, but I shook my head trying not to explode at him and tell him the hurtful, and scary truth about what and who I was. 

It was mid-day when we reached the barrier and Grover stopped the car in the middle of the road before having us both get out and I gripped the framed arrow tightly because it was my last reminder of mother, my last reminder of Lyn and who I was. Then Grover took out a reed pipe and played a sharp whistle and the car exploded. 

"Don't ask" was all he said and I wasn't because I knew that thought Satyr's were nature creatures they didn't use destruction songs often, and it would definitely get the attention of mortals and their weird ways. 

Thanks for reading and I'll have another chapter out soon, 1861 words, 5-18-18.

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