Chapter 8

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--Artemis's POV--

I've had no luck in searching for that wolf and after the Titan war I sat on a tree with my bow on my lap when I saw a flash of green and silver, and I immediately grabbed my bow and shot after it going as fast as my godly legs could go, but it was still far ahead of me. I saw it look back and when it saw me it made a sharp turn and I stopped confused at where it went. 

There was a flash to my left and I ducked and pulled out a hunting knife and stabbed upward as it flew past where my head had been, and it seemed to be looking at me. I smelled as it passed letting my blade travel upwards and was surprised to smell sparks as my blade glided across it's fur not doing damage to the wolf but to the blade as it made it grind down. Then the wolf bent down and I saw a flash of silver before my blade was snapped in two and the pieces were sent into the trees at our sides. 

It kept on going in circles and rushing at me until I had no more arrows left and was forced to call upon my enchanted arrows, but I didn't see it coming at me again and there was a gentle wind coming from behind me. I looked back to see a Nemean Lion with silver streaks in it's fur and it was laying down seemingly smiling at me. 

"What are you to go against the goddess of the hunt, and defy the laws of death and everything else known to me" I said aiming my bow at it and shooting an arrow of pure moonlight and silver at it, and I saw a flash of silver again and the next second it was standing with my arrow in it's teeth, sideways. Then I heard a snap and I clutched my chest in pain as it snapped my power in to easily as if it were a toothpick, and then I saw it walking up to me and it shifted into a girl of twelve. I was surprised and shocked that that girl wasn't even full grown and the lion and the wolf were almost full grown adult creatures, and then I realized that the wolf was almost the size of a full grown werewolf too, and I was filled with fear as I realized what this was. 

"Who are you" the girl asked walking up to me as I sat there cltching my chest in pain and my arrow still lay in the ground behind her, and she must've realized something because she looked at it, me and then it again before going over to it and picking it up. Then she came over to me and put it against my waist and the arrow re-mended and absorbed into my body not causing me any more pain. 

"Wait a second Moonlight, Hunt, Bows" the girl said aloud as if she was just figuring something out "your lady Artemis" she looked at me in awe "I just battled the goddess of the Hunt and moon and won, and that was a good fight you were a-lot harder than Mr. D, oh wait he didn't even try he just made me angry and break his ribs and more than likely his spine" I heard her wince and then she shifted again and I saw a blur of silver as she went around me doing something, and then I saw my blades disappear from the trees and then all my weapons and arrows were in-front of me whole and new like they had never been broken. 

"I'm sorry about breaking your weapons, it's just that a hunter doesn't like to be hunted and that's exactly what you did, but I see that you are living up to your reputation in the books that I've read about you, never missing a shot or a strike, faster than light, though I still have to see the band of--" I saw a different flash of silver before there was an arrow in her hands and she looked around for a second before seeing and smelling something, but not changing or going after them. 

"Nevermind, you know--they smell--exactly like--you and its--strange but cool--bye I'll see you some other day" she said dodging arrows flying at her and then catching the second one and throwing it back with a speed that I couldn't even match and I heard a scream making me look over there and then I looked back to where the girl was, but she was gone. I grabbed my weapons quickly putting them back in their rightful places before rushing to where my hunter screamed. I saw Phoebe nestling Thalia who was on the ground unconscious, and there was an arrow in a tree she must've been in, and I smirked. That girl would be a very good asset in my hunt, and I was determined to find her again. 

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