Chapter 10

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A month later, and Thalia and Percy have become best friends and are currently in the training center with a bunch of people around them watching Percy train and fight Thalia with their  knives and skills. 

"I don't know have you gotten worse or have you gotten better since last time" I said deflecting an arrow with Slayer, my silver blade, and I heard Thalia growl before I had to put away Slayer quickly and dodge the thirty or so arrows coming my way and as I dodged them I either caught them in the air, fired them back, or fired arrows of my own at her. My sleek non-tiring body easily slipped through her firing arrows but she couldn't dodge them all and a couple hit their mark. Her shoulders, waist, and leg making her growl in pain and start firing faster and faster. Over the two months that I'd been in my true form the camper had gotten used to it and some actually liked me now and the hunters came more often letting me and Thalia bond more, but I wanted to join them someday and I was hoping to ask about joining today. Everyone in camp always liked our fights since three weeks ago when Thalia had taken me by surprise and I agreed to train her when she asked it as part of her deal, but that also meant that I couldn't hold back like i used to and soon my blade was at her throat as she bent to her knees with her hand holding her knife dragging on the floor. 

"Yield" I said and she shook her head as normal as she hit my blade away and started to advance flipping striking, and doing a-lot of good maneuvers to get around my defenses. 

"Never" was all she said before pulling up what I saw was a little more strength, but I was faster and I had her on the ground with her knives a few feet away and Riptide at her throat with my foot on her stomach. 

"You got better" I said as I helped her up due to me winning again and people awed and shuffled out wanting a longer fight, but I got the idea that they had gotten enough excitement to be talking about it the rest of the day, or week. 

"Yeah, how so, this is the" her eyes looked up as she thought "twentieth time you've beaten me and I don't feel like I've shown any improvement" 

"Nah you've gotten better, faster, and your muscles are starting to get toned like mine after the training that I had you do with me, and someday you may even rival me, but sadly we are both immortal and can't die from age" I said looking at her and we both cracked up 

"I just hope we don't have another war and I lose you like we lost Bianca, and Zoe" she said and my vision got dark as I remembered my time under the sky holding the burden that was supposed to be the Titan's which I would kill someday, and his body and bones could hold up the sky. 

"I don't want to think of the last war, but hey lets go see what Artemis is doing nowdays" I said and turned into my lion form which was about a foot taller now and I was almost the size of a bus and a half bus. 

Get on I said because whenever I used my real voice Thalia and the others seemed to shiver like they remembered something that they weren't telling me, and when she was on and I was running to the camp outside of the barrier and I decided to ask her about it. 

Why don't you guys like it when I use my animal voice, and don't even think of lying because I know when you aren't comfortable and that is one of those things, but it is even worse then the thought of you being a tree I felt her shiver at that memory see I proved my point and she sighed in defeat. 

"I guess we would have to tell you sooner or later" she said " but I am not going to be the one to say it, you can hear it from lady Artemis herself" 

I don't understand I said and the camp came in sight 

"You will" was all Thalia said before there was a couple of happy screams as the younger hunters saw me coming at a good speed where they could see me coming and so that Thalia could talk to me, and then came the part that I liked a-lot for some reason. I let Thalia off and lay down so the young ones could climb over me and pet my fur, it was calming for some reason and the camp shook with the hum of my purring. 

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