Chapter 1

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Above is the picture of the bow that She has and will use later in the book.

3rd POV

It was night and a special mother, Sally Jackson was giving birth to a girl while the husband, Poseidon was in the waiting room...waiting. And in the shadows a mistress was also watching secret and hidden from the male god that she hated, and Artemis knew hat this strong child was worth her attention and blessing, but she had to confront Poseidon to do it, and she hated asking to get what she wanted.

Artemis walked around Poseidon as he held his head in his hands in anxiousness.

"So Poseidon you are breaking your pact huh" Artemis said sitting down next to him enjoying the happiness of the born baby, but in doing this she startled Poseidon and he sat up a straight and looked at her with fear and tired bags under his eyes.

"What are you doing here Artemis shouldn't you be running around shooting monsters with your hunt and that bow of yours or messing up guys' manhoods" Poseidon said and she jammed her heel into his foot making him grunt and tap with pain because of the sharp three inch heel.

"Don't you ever talk to a woman like that much less this woman and I came to give your daughter my blessing which I wouldn't be doing if she was a male or if it wasn't because I saw a strength in her to respect all things not just you and her mother" Artemis hissed and pulled out her heel making him tense up in pain and then sigh in relief as it healed due to his godly blood.

"Yes I give you my blessing just don't hurt her" Poseidon mentally smacked himself for saying that because she was a woman, a maiden, and the god of childbirth. She wouldn't hurt his baby, but she passed it by as a reaction and nothing more and then she faded into the shadows as the nurse came by to say that he had a healthy girl.

Poseidon went into the room and Artemis flashed in behind the curtain and waited for Poseidon to come in, she knew where the room was due to one, she was here when she first flash in and two, because the aura of this one was stronger than the others and the smell was that of a demigod.

Then Artemis noticed that it wasn't in the room with the mother, but in the room with the other babies as the baby girl rested, and due to the fact that the mother was unconscious, and in another room.

Artemis went into the room and followed her nose to where the demigod baby was and she touched her head and gave her her blessing, but due to the fact that she was a baby and would grow up. It was the equivalent of giving he baby her full blessing, and due to that she would reach her height and age limit at eighteen, and stop aging and growing as an immortal. She would also be joining her hunt in the future, she could see it in her eyes as she stared at Artemis not crying, not yelling or screaming, nor sleeping but looking at her with happiness and the she heard the handle turn and she barely was able to pull the cloth over the babies eyes and flash out to her hunt as the door opened.


"What will we name her" Sally Jackson asked as she held her baby girl in her arms "I think Persephone Achilles Jackson, what about you"

"We should name her Persephone Achilles-Artemis Jackson due to the silver of her eye's ring being silver instead of black just like the maiden goddess herself"

"I think that it is perfect honey" Sally Jackson said looking at Poseidon knowing what he was and what he's seen "Persephone Achilles-Artemis Jackson"


A week later Sally went to her little cabin by the lake and Poseidon had to go and do his god things due to an ancient rule she didn't understand. She set up the crib, put Persephone in it and sat in the chair next to the crib and slept.

Thanks for reading and I know that this was a rather short chapter but I'll have something better in the next, also sorry if this is crappy.

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