Chapter 14

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I realized that they were the reason the others hadn't moved, it was because of them the hunters and Artemis I glared at Phoebe who had an arrow leveled at my head, and then to my surprise she lowered it and hugged me. I wanted to push her away I really did, but my body didn't want to and I just stood there limply, shocked, and confused, and then I realized that Phoebe was crying, they all were even Artemis. 

"I'm sorry about what I did to your pack, as well are my friends, and I know you may not have the heart to forgive us now, but please know that I'm sorry--"

"Were all sorry" Artemis finished and then she hugged me as well and I broke down letting it all out in her dress, and when I was done mourning and crying for those I've lost and what would happen to me once I died of this venom. 

"I forgive you all" I said and then I felt suddenly weaker in her arms, but it wasn't just because of my grief and fatigue. 

"Now will you join us" Artemis asked as she pulled away and held me by my shoulders "I see you've changed during your stay in hell" I chuckled, so that's what they called it. 

"We are in hell mind you" I said earning more chuckles "and I want to get out" I said going around Artemis and the question due to my soon death.

"Persephrone" she asked making me freeze three steps from them all, and I turned around looking at the floor 

"I can't Milady" I said and just then Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and the guys decided to come up. The guys stayed well away from the hunters though due to glares in their direction. 

"Why" she asked making tears come to my eyes and I couldn't bear to say this in-front of my friends 

"I'm dying mistress, and I am going to die and become Lady Styx's companion" I said and then I felt Lady Styx come into my mind

No you won't she said and I asked why not presumably aloud because of the looks the others were giving me because I don't have a claim on you anymore, not even the fates do, Titaness of Time, Maidenhood, Archery, Earthquakes, Silver, Animals, Water, Shifting, Hunting, Moonlight, and the five rivers of Hades and Tartarus. 

"WHAT" I barely got to yell before a golden glow surrounded my body and my nails became slightly longer and stronger, my body grew a little and became slightly more muscled, but more that of a cat and a wolf than a man, my hair grew longer, or to my butt and it gained red, white, silver, and gold, and my features became more pronounced. I liked the way I was perfectly before, and how could I be the Titaness of the five rivers when I only went in one. 

Oh that's simple, we all are connected somehow, and by bathing in me and making a connection to me you made a connection to my siblings and you gained their domains as they left them behind when they faded, which I shall do soon as well I growled and it reverberated through the tunnels oh don't worry I've been waiting to fade for a long time and it would be a nice escape from the pain of losing my siblings, so I must join them and in turn leaving you my domains, bye Percy till the next life. Her voice faded till it was at the back of my mind and I was shocked, but it was short lived before I huffed and stomped off creating mini earthquakes behind me as I marched out of the cavern. 

"Percy what happened" I heard Artemis say coming up to be warily 

"I just got promoted" I said sarcastically "to a Titaness" I added a couple more s' than there should've been but I didn't care

"That's awesome" she said and I was surprised that the god of the hunt actually got excited, and so did the boys apparently because they had arrows in the sides of their pants pinning them to a wall and effectively shutting them up "now you can join the hunt, and you won't die" 

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