Chapter 7: The End Of Celestial

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~March 28th, midnight, 2089, outside Celestial~

Ota, Gorf, and Eliza landed on Celestial. To be exact, they landed right where the breach in the control room is. "Ota, I need you prepare the Hulta." Gus says throwing her a grenade. On Wul, Hulta is means grenade. A Wul grenade is eighteen times more powerful than the average Planetary Alliance grenade. "Hulta is prepared, sir." Ota said after she armed the Hulta. "Throw it at that bubbly mass right there!" Gorf shouted as he pointed at a bubbly spot on the Starmind. "Alright!" Ota said throwing the Hulta at the mass. The mass exploded into hundreds of explosions that spread up that part of the Starmind. It took no notice to what had happened. "I could've sworn that was a weak point." Gorf said as Gus hit him on the head. "Every time, Gorf, you screw up." Gus said angrily. "At least I'm not an old grouch!" Gorf shouted as Tony's ship flew right past the three of them. "Who was that?" Ota asked shocked. "Let me scan the ship." Gus said as he pressed a button on his wrist and it activated a scanner. The scan came back with no data. "I think they're with the Planetary Alliance." Gus said. "You think?" Gorf asked concerned. "We have no data on them." Gus explained. The three took that answer and prepared to throw a few more Hultas at the Starmind. 

~Tony's ship~

"Hey, old man, who do all these ships belong to?" Jasmine asked as the entire crew looked out Tony's cockpit window. "I have no clue what so ever." Tony said. Martin came up to the cockpit and pointed to the boarding dock of the ship. Tony opened it because he assumed Martin was much more powerful than his ship. "Who are you guys?" Martin asked cautiously as he and Eliza entered the ship. Tony introduced everyone and Martin did the same. "It's good to have more allies. Come, take a seat." Tony offered to Martin. Jasmine and Eliza were roughly the same age, so Jasmine invited Eliza to her cabin. "I like the color contacts you're wearing. Are your eyes normally blue?" Jasmine asked being nosy. "Color contacts?" Eliza asked confused. "You don't have color contacts on Wul?!" Jasmine asked shocked as the two entered Jasmine's room. "No, my eyes are normally this dark, if that's what you mean." Eliza said. Jasmine also had blue eyes, but Eliza's were much darker than anyone's in the Planetary Alliance. "Your planet is different, I suppose." Jasmine suggested. "Wouldn't you be used to difference? I mean, your alliance is made of 42 planets." Eliza said. "No, there isn't much difference. Maybe longer lifespans than others, or the humans evolved differently, but not much until you guys." Jasmine said. "Interesting." Eliza pointed out.

~Outside Celestial~

The Starmind made its first move on the Wul fleet. Only two ships were destroyed, but five are now under attack by Hive forces. "You see, all of you here today is a culmination of millennia of planning. It is your destiny to rise. To fall. To die. Destiny is terrifying when your fate is death and not salvation like it is mine. Run from it, denounce it, destiny still arrives. There is no stopping it." The Starmind said as it launched thousands of Hive ships with three Command-Minds to attack Wul's fleet. The Wul ships opened fire and aimed for the three ships with Command-Minds. Two were killed, but the Starmind protected the final one. "Send a Planetmind." The Starmind said as a Planetmind and another Hive fleet warped in from behind. "We're surrounded!" Admiral Quar shouted as she thought up a plan. Her plan is to evacuate three Wul ships on either side of their fleet and then ram the Hive fleets with the ships, this will require six brave volunteers that must activate the Mega-Hulta on each ship. A Mega-Hulta is like a nuke, except much worse and bigger. The radiation fallout will be huge. It will require the Planetary Alliance to leave Celestial. 

~Zaleth, The Forests Of Zur~ 

The Reston and Zaleth armies were heading to each other and ended up meeting at the halfway point, the Forests Of Zur. A lush, green, and large forest that spanned several thousand miles. Well, that's what it was. During all three Hive attacks in recent years, it has become a Hive breeding ground. An inactive breeding ground. "This place is disgusting." Gillian said as he and Robert were talking and walking around the forest. The men were currently resting as the two leaders devised a plan to beat the Hive. "You're right, but we need to finish that plan." Robert agreed as he stepped through the melting snow. "I think we should use a bunch of Royal Mechs." Gillian suggested. "I want to say that'll work, but I don't think we can use mechs this time. The Hive is the strongest we've ever seen it. We've lost a lot just trying to defend this planet. Jessica lost her second in command, she doesn't know where her kids are, and she's in no condition to fight due to that. We don't have a general to guide our troops to victory." Robert explained. "You're right, but there's got to be a way." Gillian said. "I agree, there has to. We beat them the first time, when the king before I allowed the outbreak to happen. We could've when they appeared last time. This time we beat them, once and for all." Robert said. "Then lets get our ships and get our asses to Celestial, eh?" Gillian said inspired. Robert nodded one of the 12 remaining Planetminds  filled the skies above Zaleth. 

It was about to project a speech the Starmind was about to make. The other 11 were at other planets doing the same. "Hello. I am the Starmind. My Planetminds currently block out your skies. Zaleth, Earth, Salem, Dorian-1, Dorian-2, Dorian-3, Dorian-4, Dorian-5, Quell, Grotia, and Wul. All of the inhabitants of these planets are sentenced to infection. You will be the seeds of a universe ruled by Hive. Destiny has arrived, my future specimen." The Starmind announced. 

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