Chapter 9: Defend System Zaleth

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~March 31st, 5:43 am, 2089, Reth Airspace~

Jessica and Sam have reached Zaleth after two days. Reth looked like it took one hell of a beating in the past day. Tons of Hive mass was dissipating from the city. There was also smoke coming from the left and right of main street. Despite what they saw, both were still catching up. They also took the two day journey to catch up. "The Victorian, the Planetary Alliance, and new people I've never met. Things sure have changed." Sam said as Jessica landed the ship at the Reth spaceport. The two went outside the ship to find Reth was deserted. "What the hell happened here?" Jessica asked as she and Sam searched through the wreckage to find someone. All they could find is dead bodies and guns scattered across the floor."I don't know." Sam said as she took a look at a dead Hive Grunt that was almost done dissipating. A loud screech came from down the hall. Jessica and Sam were startled. They saw the shadow of... something. Hive mass was falling from the ceiling and it formed a puddle of Hive mass that was slowly growing. "Why have you come here? To my home?" Something asked with a deep voice. The voice echoed through the halls. "Who or what are you?" Sam asked slowly walking toward the end of the hall. "I... I am... I am the killer, the infection." The thing said as its voice echoed once more. "What happened here?" Sam asked still walking slowly. "I killed everyone. I infected everyone. My brothers are one with me. With my home." The thing said as its voice echoed. 

~March 30th, 5:43 pm, 2089, Reth Main Street~  

Reth is besieged by the planetmind that was sent to Zaleth. The current location of the other 11 planetminds, and Starmind are is unknown. Robert, Gillian, Tony and his crew are helping Celestial refugees get out of Reth. "Hive Stalkers! Incoming!" John shouted as he and Jasmine fired Class-AA Plasma Miniguns at them. The stalkers were one the rooftops, jumping from one to roof to the next. The Class-AA Plasma Miniguns burnt through the houses and the bodies of the stalkers. With every step or leap each stalker took dropped off Hive mass on the roofs of the buildings. Jacob shot his staff at the right side of main street. The explosion startled everyone, but luckily only Hive Stalkers died. "Are you trying to kill us?!" Jasmine asked angrily. Jacob looked at Jasmine with a stern stare. Jasmine got a little scared and went back to shooting Hive Stalkers on the left side. The Planetmind got fed up with how long the humans were able to stay alive. It sent down a Hive pod that dissipated instantly to reveal a Hive Giant with the characteristics of a Hive Smasher and armor of the Hive Stronghold. "Holy fuck!" Tony, Skyler, and Ben shouted. "All military forces, we're going to need help." Robert said into Planetary Alliance comms. 

~March 31st, 5:53, 2089, Reth Spaceport~

Jessica made a psst sound to get Sam's attention. Sam looked over and stopped walking. Jessica shaked her head. "I'm going to whatever that is." Sam whispered. "You will only find death and become one with me." The thing said, hearing her, and with its voice echoing. "Please, tell us what happened here." Sam pleaded as she resumed walking, but a little bit faster this time. "The Planetmind that was destroyed yesterday. It sent me down here. I killed them all. I infected them all. They became me." The thing said with an echo. Jessica started walking as well, but cautiously. "Sam, stop. You're going to get yourself killed." Jessica pleaded as she caught up to Sam. "You are now wrong, Jessica." The thing said with an echo. "How do you know my name?!" Jessica shocked and freezing in her tracks. "I am cursed with the knowledge of those that join me." The thing said as it got into Sam's view. Sam's eyes widened as she saw Justin, Julian, and Laurel. Jessica saw Sam shocked and ran up to see the thing. Jessica saw Nicholas. 

~March 30th, 5:53 am, 2089, Reth Main Street~

The Hive Smasher Stronghold screamed as it charged the escaping refugees. Thousands were trampled when it reached Tony's crew's location. Robert, Gillian, William, Phillip, and Lucine ran back to main street. Melissa and Mr. George walked over from Reston City with two royal mechs. Martin, Ota, Gorf, Eliza, and Gus flew next to the mechs from Reston City as well. To brake, they put their arms out to make a plane and their legs make the bottom half of an 'X'. "Let us even these odds." The Planetmind said as it sent down two more Hive Smasher Strongholds. The first one was in front and the other two were close behind. Mr. George and Melissa allowed everyone who wasn't going to take part in the battle onto their hand. They moved the bystanders to the side and got in a fighting stance. Tony's crew and the Planetary Alliance leaders were among those bystanders. Mr. George, Melissa, and Alpha Squad got ready for a fight. "Good luck hun." Mr. George said to Melissa through mech comms. "Shut up!" Melissa said as she was taking care of Kyler at the same time. 

~March 31st, 6:04 am, 2089, Reth Spaceport~

"Julian! Laurel! Justin! I've missed you guys!" Samantha said happily. "Nicholas!" Jessica shouted happily as well. Neither could hear the other. "Easy catch." The thing thought. Julian, Laurel, and Justin were standing there from Sam's perspective. Nicholas was also standing there, but from Jessica's perspective. Sam and Jessica couldn't see each other and Jessica looked over to her right where Sam should've been. Jessica was shocked and backed up a little bit. Sam started walking towards Julian, Laurel, and Justin. "I thought you got infected, Justin." Sam said realizing it's not them. She grabbed a gun from the ground and shot all three of them. It was a mind illusion created by the thing. Jessica and Sam both snapped out of their illusions to see the Hive Abomination that stood in front of them. "Holy..." Sam said. "...Crap." Jessica finished.

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