Chapter 8: Farewell Celestial

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~March 29th, 3:00 a.m, 2089, unknown reaches of space~

Jessica had finnaly arrived at Sam's coordinates. She was on a planet outside of the Milky Way. A planet with no star, no galaxy, no place. A rogue planet. It was obvious where Sam was because there was a large light coming from the "top" of the planet. Jessica landed her ship there. Sam was standing there holding a picture of Julian, Justin, Laura, and her standing under a tree. Sam was holding a necklace. The necklace had a gold chain and a hexagonal gold ring. Inside the gold ring was a green gem that emmited god rays. There was also a one man, or woman, Reston ship next to her. "Hey, Sam. Long time no see." Jessica said as she walked up to her. "Jessica? You remember me?!" Sam asked shocked. "I'm so sorry." Jessica answered saddened and looking down. "It's not your fault. How's everyone? And how is Nicholas?" Sam asked happy to see Jessica. "Everyone's fighting a new foe. Well, an old foe. The Hive have returned." Jessica explained. "And Nicholas?" Sam asked concerned. "He's dead. He died during a two day war between Zaleth and Reston, we won." Jessica explained. "I'm sorry." Sam said. Jessica nodded. "It was The Hive. I knew they were on Zaleth, but not just the few surviving grunts. It was a full Hivemind." Sam explained.

~2064, Jessica's wedding~

A little bit after Nicholas and Jessica said their "I do's" the Hivemind on Zaleth wiped everyone's mind of Sam. A red, demonic light came from the back of the church when everyone left without Sam. She went back their to find a Hive Grunt. "You've been chosen." The Grunt said. "What?" Sam asked confused. The Grunt turned into a very small version of The Deity. "Only very few can wield this. It's an artifact, like The Staff and The Orb, but it gives the wearer twice as much power as a time anomaly version of myself. Use it wisely." The Deity said as he handed Sam The Necklace, and then vanished. Sam was confused, but eventually realized no one recognized her. She stole a Reston ship before the war and took off into space, eventually ending up on the rogue planet. She trained to master the artifact for years. Only mastering it recently and she's now ready to return to Zaleth and help her friends beat The Hive once and for all.


"All hands, evacuate. I repeat, all hands evacuate." The Celestial intercom system said over as everyone evacuated. William, Philip, Samantha, and Lucine were staying back to make sure everyone got out safely. "How many people are left to evacuate?" Samantha asked. "Just two more evac ship's worth." William answered. "There's a problem." Phillip said. "What's that?" Lucine asked. "We only have one more evac ship." Phillip explained. The other three leaders' faces were filled with horror. "Where's the nearest planet that can currently sustain human life." Lucine asked. "Zaleth." Phillip answered. "Then call for an evac ship. If the Starmind is here, then that means Zaleth's ships must be working." Lucine suggested. "I think she's right, William, the communications hub is right there." Samantha said pointing to a communications hub in the hanger. William called for help. Robert and Gillian agrees to help and are on their way. A few minutes later a The Hive bust through the hanger doors with another new form. It was like a Hive Brute, but it had more Hive mass on its arms which makes it stronger. It'll be known as a Hive Smaser. "Fuck!" Lucine shouted as everyone with a gun opened fire on the Hive army.

The army consisted of every Hive form that isn't bigger than a Hive Mega-brute. The humans on Celestial had Class-A and Class-AA weaponry with only 500 people left. "We have to fight until Zaleth gets here!" William shouts. "What's Zaleth?" Ota asked as she, Gus, and Gorf flew into the hanger with their jetpacks. "It's just another planet in our alliance." Phillip explained. "Oh, that makes sense." Ota said as she threw a Hulta into the crowd of Hive. Gus and Gorf went to front lines. They both expanded their forcefields to span the entire hanger. "Open fire!" Gus shouted as The Hive started punching and shooting the forecfield. The Planetary Alliance soldiers, and Ota, opened fire on The Hive forces. Everytime the forecfield was hit a light blue pulse pulsed from the impact. The battle waged for hours. Celestial was out in deep space and a few hundred light years away from Zaleth. The Wul fleet was doing its best to fight off two Hive fleets and a planetmind for Celestial to have time to evacuate. "We need to explode those ships now!" Quar said watching as her ships get infected or destroyed by The Hive fleets.

After another hour Zaleth finnaly arrived. They caught the Starmind and Planetmind off guard. The Planetmind was damaged slightly and its Hive fleet was heavily damaged. Robert and Gillian brought their ships to the hanger William said he was in. The Hive were very close to breaking the forecfield, but everyone except Ota, Gus, and Gorf boarded the ship.

~Tony's ship~

During all of this, Tony and his crew were helping Eliza and Martin fight the Planetmind. They had a Warth Bomb. A bomb that can destroy a planet or harvest all of its resource. In this case, it'll be destroying a planet. "It's almost ready!" Eliza shouted. Like all Wul bombs, it takes a little bit to charge up. The bigger the bomb the longer it takes. Tony and his crew were making sure tentacles or Hive Grunts, Brutes, Stalkers, Giants, and Smashers weren't getting to Eliza or Martin. "Any faster would be great!" Tony said. "Well, it's done! Let's go!" Martin said as he and Eliza started the timer. Everyone boarded the ship and warped one parsec away. At the same, however, Quar and her fleet left and blew up the 6 ships she said she would. Everyone retreated towards Zaleth. Celestial was covered in radiation. The Planetmind was gone, only 12 remain. The Starmind was badly damaged, but still able to move.

"All forces, attack Zaleth." The Starmind said.

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