Chapter 15: It Begins

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~April 3rd, 12:15, 2089, unknown~

The fleets came through the portal and had no clue where they were. They did know one thing, they weren't in the Milky Way. "The Milky Way a few trillion light years away?!" McClain asked. "I'd say we're in the Andromeda galaxy." Stu said. "Of course you know that. Nerd." Pamela said jokingly. Stu looked at her angrily. "Something's familiar about this planet, sir." Wade said. "You're right. Welcome back to Morganite, folks." McClain said as he sent a holocall request to all the leaders of the fleet. "What's going on?" All the leaders asked in sync. "For your information we're on a planet called Morganite. It is filled with a parasite known as Nagamorphs. As far as we know, the planet will be invaded by the Hive and infected. Meaning we're looking at a parasite infected by a parasite." McClain said. "Will we have to worry about the Nagamorphs?" Jessica asked. "I don't think so. They're restricted to human and animal hosts and, unless they have enough DNA, they can't survive in space or fly." McClain said. "What happened to the humans on this planet!?" Jessica asked in shock. Lewal and Quar nodded in agreement. "They're on a planet in a different about ten light years from here; Marsune." McClain explained. "How do you know this?" Quar asked. "I'm a traveler ma'am. It's my job to clean up time anomalies such as these. Granted, I am the only one who doesn't slack off. I get that from my grandmother and my father." McClain explained. "Wait, where are you from?!" Lewal and Quar asked shocked. "The 25th century, Wul. The second splinter group leaves and forms a time traveler empire. One that slacks off and is on the verge of collapse and doesn't even use Gorth. It's not efficient. Don't tell that to anyone, miss Quar." McClain answered. Quar nodded. 

The Starmind and the planetminds were attacking Morganite. They were focused on fighting the Nagamorphs, so they didn't notice the fleets. They begun their plan and it got the attention of The Hive force. Quar had her ships fire there main cannon attack. It destroyed a Planetmind easily. A Hive fleet warped in unexpectedly and took on Quar's fleet. Due to it's sudden appearance, the plan fell apart. Two more fleets warped in to take out the other two fleets. Lewal and Jessica did their best to defend. "You cannot defeat me now. I have 25 times the power of a time anomaly deity!" The Starmind shouted as the Hive fleets tore all three factions apart. 

McClain walked onto the top of his ship after hearing what the Starmind said. He had the book in his hands. Stu and Tristan followed with The Orb and The Sword. A hive starfighter shot at Stream-Head and blew a hole in the hull. Stu and Tristan dropped their artifacts. "Get inside." McClain said as he used The Book to create hands that threw the two artifacts at him. "What're you going to do, captain?" Stu asked. McClain grinned as he used The Book to force them inside. McClain used the book to give him six arms. Two of them held the book and had McClain's DNA, another pair held the Orb and had Stu's DNA, the last two held The Sword and had Tristan's DNA. Stu rushed to the bridge after he fixed the hull. "Activate the camera on top of the ship!" Stu ordered. Wade activated it and Abigail brought down a screen. "What's he doing?!" Gabe asked scared McClain was going to die. The entire crew rushed to the screen. "He's going to attempt to fuse all three artifacts without another host." Stu said. 

~Unknown time, time stream, on top of the Stream-Head~

"Artifact fusion is very handy." McClain said after he and Stu mastered artifact fusion. "You're right, it is. Do you think it's possible to fuse artifacts with only one host?" Stu asked. McClain signaled Stu to give him The Orb. Stu complied. McClain attempted to fuse the two, but was almost killed. Both artifacts sent out a pulse that only McClain absorbed for his recklessness. Stu rushed him to the Stream-Head's infirmary, and McClain luckily survived.

~April 3rd, Morganite, on top of the Stream-Head~

"He almost died last time!" Garrett protested. "We have to stop him!" Tristan yelled running towards the top of the Stream-Head. McClain attempted to fuse all three artifacts. This time, he technically possessed the DNA of all three hosts. The fusion shot out an EMP and disabled the ship and a few ships in Jessica's fleet. McClain's veins popped and were glowing blue. His right eye started spewing out god rays that were dark blue, the same shade as his veins. His hair turned bright red and emanated red god rays the same shade of his hair. His six arms became two again. The fusion was barely maintaining. He used The Orb to transport everyone in the disabled ships to a safe part on Morganite. He used to book to create an illusion of himself flying, but in reality he was on Morganite as well. His body was falling apart. His skin was peeling and red god rays emanated from the peeled off skin. "This... Is... For... My... Friends..." McClain said as he created an illusion of 26 time anomaly Deities. All 26 struck the Starmind as he unfused. The Starmind blocked 25 of them, but one cut it half. It was the half with the hole. He quickly repaired himself, but was barely bigger than all the remaining Planetminds combined. 

It screamed in pain. McClain was unconscious on Morganite with the other survivors. The ships crashed on Morganite and killed any Nagamorphs nearby. The planetminds went to the Starmind's aid. All of them fused and created the biggest Hivemind the Planetary Alliance had seen. It was slightly bigger than the original size of the Starmind, so not much more bigger, but all the more dangerous. The green and blue aura expanded and covered every planet in the solar system. "It's time we finish this, once and for all!" The Starmind screamed as it withdrew its fleets. The fleets fused with The Starmind as well. It didn't get much bigger, but it gained 20 lasers the size of ships. It put down a tentacle onto Morganite. All Hive forms fused with it as well. Its tentacles were now as strong as Smasher Strongholds, it gained the mental abilities of the Abominations, and the tentacles were fitted with Nagamorphs teeth the size of ships. 

"This... This is the monument of your failures! You've failed to defeat me! Now you will all die!" The Starmind shouted as everyone stared in fear.

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