Chapter 11: To Gile

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~March 31st, 6:54 am, 2089, Reth Spaceport~

"Why shouldn't I?" Sam asked. "We'll be no better than it." Jessica said walking away. She walked underneath the Abomination's webs and outside to main street. Sam thought for quite a long time. She killed the abomination because it was an enemy, not because of what it did. "Thank you." The Abomination said as if it were freed. Sam walked outside and stared in horror to the destruction that happened to Reth. "Maybe they're at Reston City?" Sam asked. "Quite possibly." Jessica said turning around. She walked back to ship. Sam took a little bit, but joined Jessica. They flew to Reston City. At the Reston City Spaceport was refugees from Reth. Mr. George, who is holding Kyler, was grieving right outside. The leaders of the Planetary Alliance are at the Grave Industries building. Sam passes the Stream-Head on their way out. "Hey, Jessica, isn't that the time traveler's ship?" Sam asked. "Yeah, it is." Jessica said walking over. She knocked on the ship's door. McClain answered it and allowed them to come in. "Long time no see, Jessica." McClain said. "Yeah, it has been quite some time." Jessica said. "This is Sam, right?" McClain asked. "Yeah, it is." Sam said. McClain noticed the necklace Sam had. He excused himself and walked up to Stu. "Run a diagnostics on Sam's necklace. Make sure neither see our artifact collection." McClain said. Stu nodded and proceeded to do as ordered.

~March 30th, 7:54 am, Reth Main street~

"These guys saved my ass back on Reston two decades ago! Sweet!" Mr. George said happily and trying not to think about Melissa. McClain and Mr. George shook hands. "Long time." Mr. George said. "For you, for me it's only been a couple months." McClain said. The two laughed. The Stream-Head crew came out with supplies. The refugees were given blankets. Then a red flash came from the spaceport. The city was filled with webs in an instant. All refugees inside the city became part of the Hive Abomination. "What the heck!" McClain shouted. "Get on the ship now!" Wade said. Everyone boarded the Stream-Head and they flew to Robert's group of refugees. After the fight, they started walking to Reston City. "Reth is overrun in Hive." McClain said through the Stream-Head's speaker. "What?! How?!" Robert asked, but McClain didn't hear him. McClain flew the Stream-Head to the Reston City spaceport and waited for McClain to show up.

~April 1st, 12:00 am, Grave Industries~

Everyone's taken some needed time off. The leaders also need to figure out what to do now. They've lost Celestial, they've lost Cassidy, they've lost Hilsk, and they've lost Melissa. "We can always ask for help from Quell." Lucine suggests. "We can't do that! They're fighting on the front lines." William protested. "We've lost one of our leaders. We can't lose our army that's protecting us from the Victorian." Phillip agreed. Tony and his crew step into the room. "I got an idea." Tony said. "What's that?" Lucine asked. Samantha and Lucine were eager to hear his idea, Phillips and William, as usual, weren't. "Maybe we don't know where the Starmind is because it's not attacking us right now. Maybe it's attacking the Victorian. Collecting mass. Then it'll strike us, stronger than ever." Tony suggested. "That actually seems logical." William said surprised. "I'm going to establish contact with Ray." Lucine said walking to the Grave Industries comms room. "We could always ask for Dorian to assist as well." Samantha said feeling left out. "Not a bad idea, Samantha, but we should keep the peacekeepers as a trump card." Phillip said.

~Grave Industries comms room~

"Hello, what is it now? More feeble attempts to make peace?" Ray asked as he picked up the communication request. A loud explosion can be heard in the distance. "We're under attack by The Hive. The reason the Planetary Alliance was formed. I know that you're not going to ally or merge with us, but we need to form a truce." Lucine said. "You're willing to make a truce with me? Even after what I did to Quell?" Ray asked surprised as another explosion is heard. "I am. Is the Starmind there? What's causing those explosions?" Lucine asked. "It's here." Ray answered. "So, is that a truce then?" Lucine asked for clarification. "I suppose it is, just come and help us." Ray said. Lucine nodded and hung up.

"We're going to Gile. We're going to save the Victorian." Lucine said bursting into the room where everyone was waiting. "This'll be rich." Jacob said. Martin and Alpha squad have to sit out of the battle. They need time to repair their armor. Since they can't return to Wul, they have to use inferior technology to repair their armor.

~April 1st, 3:00 am, Space outside Gile's atmosphere~

"All ships, open fire on that Planetmind!" William ordered to all the Earth ships present. Samantha, Lucine, Robert, Gillian, and Phillip ordered the same. Tony and the Stream-Head flew straight for the Starmind. "Tony, I need you to help me get something." McClain said over comms. "What's that?" Tony asked. "Sam is on your ship, right?" McClain asked. "Sam is, yes, Jessica is with Robert." Tony answered. "Get me that necklace and help me get an artifact that the Hive have." McClain requested. "Why Sam's necklace?" Tony asked as he started opening fire on the Starmind. "It's one of the most powerful artifacts of all time." McClain answered. Tony was shocked, but agreed to help. "You know, we were pretty smart when we called him in. We used Peter's state as a time anomaly to do so." Dakota and Jerald bragged to Tony's crew. "Shut up!" McClain yelled, hearing Dakota and Jerald. Tony hung up on McClain. "Please do!" Tony answered. Tony dropped off Dakota, Jerald, Peter, and Sam onto the Starmind. McClain dropped off Pamela, Abigail, Stu, Wade, Garrett, Tristan, and Gabe McClain. "You guys, find that artifact!" McClain said through the speaker system as Tony and McClain defended the group from tentacles.

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