Chapter 13: I'm Going To Need That, Now

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~April 1st, 12:54 pm, 2089, Starmind, Hive City~

"Now." McClain repeated walking up with his  hand out. "I just saved us!" Sam argued walking backwards. "You're dangerous. We could've died by what you just did." Tony said backing McClain up. The Stream-Head crew quickly rushed to McClain's side. "That's not fair! She saved us!" John said defending her. Jasmine and Jacob agreed with John. Skyler and Ben sided with McClain. Jerald and Peter sided with John and Dakota sided with McClain. Sam put on the necklace. It powered her up the same it did last. "You really want to fight?" Sam asked rhetorically. McClain held his finger up to show he need a second. He ran inside and came out with all the artifacts he had. The Book, The Sword, and The Orb. "Those three don't even compare to the power of The Necklace." Sam said cockily. Stu grabbed the Orb and McClain grabbed The Book. Tristan grabbed the sword. "Three versus one? Seems like you're outnumbered." Sam said still cocky. All three performed the art of artifact fusion. Touching all three artifacts together caused them to fuse together. Tristan was the host this time. The sword is much more superior to The Orb and The Book. "How about now?" Tristan asked with the voices of McClain and Stu. The artifact had The Book in the middle with eighteen smaller Orbs floating around it. Each orb had eight Swords placed somewhere on them. Tristan held the book in his right hand. He put forward his hand as if he wanted a high five and the eighteen Orbs went forward.

Sam tried to block them, but there was too many. The Sword cut her skin and almost dispersed her aura. She dispersed the aura into a shockwave. Tristan used the book to block it, but he still was sent back. She grabbed one of the orbs and crushed it. She walked forward towards Tristan. Jacob attempted to stop her. "Stand down, Sam." Jacob pleaded. Sam swiped her arm through the air and the green aura surrounded him and threw him into Tony's ship. "God dammit!" Tony yelled as Sam continued walking towards Tristan. Tristan sent the remaining 17 Orbs at her. She grabbed two and then crushed them. She used her aura and destroyed all but one. Tristan used The Book to create multiple versions of himself. Sam didn't know which was the real Tristan, so she used her shockwave ability. Tristan fell down onto the Hive floor and then tentacles swarmed the group.

Sam didn't realize it at first. One of the tentacles grabbed the Necklace and yanked it off her. The chain broke and instantly repaired as The Starmind's core entered the fray. The artifact McClain was looking for was right there. The Mask. "No!" Tristan yelled as he unfused. The entire Starmind was covered in a green aura as it put the Necklace on the horn of The Mask. The Mask had the color scheme of The Book, and had a horn, a bracelet slot, two slots for earrings, a ring slot on the bracelet slot, and a spot for a circlet on the top. "One of the five have been found. Now, nothing can stop us!" The Starmind said as the green aura held everyone down. Jacob slowly lifted his arm and defied the force of The Necklace. He fired The Staff and the Starmind's core had to retreat. The green aura allowed them to leave. McClain and his crew entered the Stream-Head after they fixed Tony's ship. The two ships left the Starmind in fear and reentered Jessica's fleet. The Starmind warped away, but the warp portal was green instead of dark blue. 

"Where did that thing go?!" Jessica asked angrily. "Let's just be glad. Now we have the support of the Victorian fleet." Robert said happily. Ray attempted to hail Jessica's ship. She accepted the request. "The Starmind is gone, and Gile is safe. I think we've earned the support of the Victorian." Jessica said. "I do indeed agree." Ray said as a Victorian fleet warped in. That fleet was led by Brandon, who also joined the holocall. "Hello." Brandon said with a grin on his face. Robert left the bridge. He didn't want to see a robot that looked like his late son. It reminded him too much of Lilith and how bad a father he was. "We're going to need to go on the offensive now. However, we don't know where the Starmind warped too. I think we need to prepare for the worst and strike when it reappears." Jessica said. "You're not good at greetings. Nonetheless, I do agree." Brandon said like a rich snobby person. McClain entered the bridge with a stern look on his face. "What's wrong, captain?" Jessica asked noticing the stern look on his face.

"Sam had a necklace. It was by far the most powerful artifact I've seen. It heavily damaged The Sword and The Orb, and now it's in the possession of that parasitic beast! We need to find that thing." McClain explains as he slams his fist in anger on the command console. "Can't your scanners find it?" Jessica asked. "Who's this?" Brandon interrupts. "I'm a time traveler, Brandon. As for your question, Jessica, no. The Starmind has a mask that was giving off artifact energy, so I am assuming it is one of the many artifacts. I am calling it 'The Mask'." McClain explains. "Then how will we find it?!" Brandon asked shocked at what he had just learned. "McClain pointed outside the window. The portal was still there. Who knew where it leaded. "We don't know where that goes!" Brandon protested. "I do. It goes to the Starmind's location. Let's gather the forces we can and attack that thing!" McClain said excited. William, Phillip, Samantha, and Lucine entered the holocall. McClain caught them up. "The Wulians' armor is fixed. We can get their help." Samantha said. "If they agree that'd be grand. I think we need to send half of our force. All of us." Phillip said looking at Ray. "I agree." Ray said smiling. "Then it's settled. Everyone send their forces here as soon as possible." Jessica said as she left the holocall. 

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