23. Being a fool

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No, first what were my other options?

Hermione, yes her. How could I forget her?

She could do something; ANYTHING would work.

“Hermione!” I burst into the common room. She and Ron were sitting together. “What’s up?” she got up, “You look alarmed. Are you alright?”

“No, listen-”

Harry burst into the room.

“Harry!” she exclaimed and stopped herself before saying anything else, looking at me. Was I being a disturbance to them? But this was urgent!

“Hermione! Listen, this is urgent!”

“Hermione, Ron, can I speak to you alone?” Harry asked, as urgently as me, “This is important!” he was pale.

“I- I’ll wait,” I said and went out of the common room. I hoped he was not too late. 

Finally, Harry came out of the room. 

“Elvis!” he exclaimed, looking at me, “Was it you and Malfoy celebrating in the Room of Requirement?” For one minute, the outside world didn’t exist. It was just me and him, our eyes looking at each other, blue and green, each holding back secrets.

“I don’t have much time,” he went on, “I know that you and Malfoy are up to something. Don’t hurt any of the members of Hogwarts okay? I – I can’t guarantee to trust Malfoy and you too for that matter, but, I hope you’ll understand. You’ve got friends in this school Elvis. For people like me, this is a home. Don’t hurt any of them. Please, don’t do something dangerous. And yet, I still can’t help feeling that somewhere this all is my fault. I was the one to bring you to the Ministry of Magic last year. I’m sorry Elvis but you … Elvis, controlling the situation in the school are in your hands now.” He looked at me one last time, and his eyes seemed to have a whole lot of emotions in them. Pain, guilt, disgust, hatred and… love? 

“See you,” he said softly. He leant down to my height and said, “Don’t break my trust.”

He ran out of sight.

Something bad was about to happen. 

My heart thumped. What could Hermione do? No, first I had to go to Dumbledore.

I ran with my full might and met Dumbledore mid-way the stone steps.

“Where are you going Professor?” I panted.

“Off to Hogsmead for a drink; what is it Elvis? It so happens I’m in a hurry…”

No, no, no! Draco would implement his plan then!

“Professor! You shouldn’t… please! The school is going to be in grave danger-”

“I will leave enough protections as I go out.”

“But we have succeeded!” I shouted, hoping he would understand. He did. He looked right at me, in my eyes. I could notice the sudden change in his behavior. His eyes bored into mine. 

He was using Occlumency. I let him. I let him see me finding out the empty cabinet and lifting the Cave Inimicum spell. It took only a second or too. 

“Please don’t go,” I begged, “I don’t think anything is more important-”

That’s when I noticed a black thing near Dumbledore’s heels. A shoe. Harry? Was that him under the Invisibility Cloak? Was that why he was in a hurry? It seemed to fit.

Dumbledore saw my gaze. “You see,” he said, “I have to go. Contact the one who I have the most faith in.” Snape. He still trusted Snape. He wanted me to go to him.

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