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"It's perfect," Hoseok whispered, a huge smile on his lips as he stares at the paper containing their summer plan. "It really is-"

"Okay, we get it." Yoongi grumbles and stares at it with his brows knitted. "Is it really?"

"I mean, dad never uses his truck so, I think it's perfect." Taehyung shrugged, his cheeks doubling in size from the smile on his face.

"So that means..." Jeongguk mumbled, "Jin will dri-"

"I saw this coming." Jin sighed and scratched the back of his hand, "Who else would drive?"

"I mean, Yoongi could, right?" Junggeok had a hopeful smile on his face.

"We could switch every now and then." Yoongi gave a thumbs up.

"I highly doubt that would happen." Jin scoffs and doodles on the paper they used for their "summer plan".

For some reason, Jin had a bad gut feeling when they were planning their summer trip. He didn't want to be a killjoy by telling everyone what he felt about it, because surely that'd only lead to everyone cancelling it. Everyone was understanding when one of them is in an uneasy state, Jin just doesn't want to ruin the memories the other boys' wish to create.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door's signal. Jimin and Namjoon must've came back from grocery shopping, they were ahead of the actual summer plan and have brought necessities for their trip.

"Eyo," Jimin's loud voice made the other turn their heads and greet them back. "These are for our trip and these are for tonight's dinner!"

Everyone cheered at the sound of homecooked dinner since half of them have been clinging onto fast food and easy make foods. They sure do miss the eldest's cooking as well.

"Who will cook?" Hoseok asks, the boys started to make drum roll noises and were looking at Jin, silly grins on their faces.

"Can't it be Yoongi this time?" Jin playfully groans, a smile then crept on his face.

"I can be assistant." Yoongi shrugged and stood up from the couch, "Let's hit the kitchen, chef."

Everyone cheered and helped with fixing everything needed for tonight's dinner.

Yet again, what a sight to see.

A sight Jin always craved to see.

- -

The boys have gathered around in the living room after finishing their food, laughter and chatter were the only noises echoing throughout the apartment. They surely are having a good time. They've ended up drinking a few beer cans that were stocked in Jin's fridge, just to add up the relaxing mood they were on as they chattered.

It felt like they haven't seen each other in so long and yet their bond only made them grow closer.

"What are your plans?" Namjoon asked after taking a sip from his beer can, his attention on the youngest bunch, Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk.

Taehyung shrugged, Jimin had a thinking face on, while Jeongguk seem spaced out.

"And that answers your question, Namjoon." Yoongi chuckles, amused at the young bunch's reactions.

"Really guys? Not even college?" Namjoon chuckled along, shaking his head.

"Jimin's trying to get a scholarship in that one-" Jeongguk was interrupted by Jimin, whose eyes widen at the youngest, signaling him to stop.

The oldest bunch looked at Jimin, surprised at how he made the youngest stop. "You hiding something, Jimin?" Hoseok asked, clearly curious as to what was that about since they've never heard Jimin speak of a scholarship to them before.

Jin had sensed the change of aura. Before it used to have a cheery, chill aura, now it seemed more serious and something has to be talked about.

Jimin was fiddling with his fingers, something the boys' knew he'd do when he's unsure and nervous. "We don't have to talk about it." Yoongi reassured Jimin, he personally didn't like seeing Jimin that way.

"It's just tough back home. I know mom wouldn't agree to it. Why would she let me go to an art university? She clearly wants me to be some doctor." Jimin sighs, finally letting out what troubled him.

Jin hated it, this type of situation. If only people were understanding.

"Why don't you prove her wrong?" Yoongi spoke first, looking directly at Jimin, "I'm very sure she'd be surprised at your potential. You're amazing, I've seen you."

"Parents sometime ignore what's really there, you just have to give it a little push." Hoseok added reassuringly, his smile enough to be an encouragement to Jimin.

"I guess, but financial too. We lack on that part for sure." Jimin shrugs.

"We'll get you into that uni you want!" Namjoon suddenly stood, making such a commotion even just among the seven of them. "I mean, we'll work it out for sure."

Jimin smiles at everyone, "I'm sure it will work out, as long as I'm with all of you."

Jin really hoped everything would work out. He could pray to all the Gods above, just to make everything work.

Did he pray to the Gods? He only hoped.

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