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Hand in hand, Luke walked me back to my house.

"I often wonder how trees grow" Luke stated.

"Well, you plant a seed and then when it's nourished for correctly it will grow" I told him.

"Nourished for correctly" he mocked me and laughed.

"You know what I mean!" I said playfully hitting his arm.

Luke just laughed.

We were about five minutes away from my house.

"I really enjoyed today" Luke told me.

"Same, it's great spending time with you" I said to Luke happily.

"Yeah, I love spending time with you too. Hey, we have a little band practise thing tomorrow in Ashton's house if you want to come? Tell Nath and Amelia to come too! It's nothing official, just between the band" Luke asked.

"Yeah I'd love to!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, I'll text on times and whatever later" Luke said.

We were just at my house. Honestly I didn't want Luke to leave. He's such good company and we get on really well.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now!" Luke chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess it is" I said back.

"Well, Willow, I can't wait to spend more time with you! I'll see you tomorrow, but maybe we could go on another date between us some other day?" Luke suggested.

"Definitely." I laughed.

Luke wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me in one of his amazing hugs. We pulled apart slightly and Luke placed his lips on mine.


"Bye, Willow! I'll text you later" Luke smiled while walking away.


"So how was your day?" My mum asked me while the whole family sat around the dinner table for dinner.

"It was good" I said simply.

"What did you do?" Emily asked.

"I just went out with a friend" I told her.

"A female friend I hope" my dad said, eyeing me.

I didn't answer. I should've answered.

"Oh my God!" Emily said sounding flabbergasted.

"What's wrong honey?" My mum asked worriedly.

"It wasn't a female friend! You were out with Luke! I knew I saw you hugging a male at the end of the driveway! I knew it looked like Luke but I just put it down to looking at hundreds of pictures of him earlier, I thought I was hallucinating!" Emily practically shouted.

"You were out with Luke? You hugged Luke?" My mum asked, smiling.

At least she didn't know I kissed him.

She liked Luke so she's probably happy that I was on a date with him. My dad likes him too but hey, he's my dad, he ain't going to be happy when he finds out his daughter was on a date.

"I just went to the park with him and he just hugged me to say goodbye" I shrugged.

"Try telling me that he only 'hugged you to say goodbye' in a few weeks when you're head over heels for him" my mum winked.

"I seriously cannot believe this" Emily exclaimed.

Will she ever stop obsessing?

** if I was to write a sequel for this would you read it? It would be amazingly dramatic ; )

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