twenty one

677 26 15

Everyone was doing their own thing today.

Aoife had a doctors appointment and Michael went with her.

Nathan and Amelia were gone visited some of Nathan's family in Queensland.

Ashton was out with his girlfriend, Emer. He still has to introduce us to her. He always talks about her and she seems so nice.

Calum was meeting up with a girl. I don't think it's anything serious, maybe they're just friends, I'm not too sure.

And here I was as bored as hell.

I was texting Luke all morning. I hadn't moved from the couch. I was seriously too lazy.

'Do you want to meet up?.... Maybe for a date if you'd like?...' Luke texted.

I smiled like an idiot when I read the date part.

'I'd love that! What time?' I replied by text.

'About an hour? I'll pick you up?' Luke texted back instantly.

'Yeah, thank you! Casual, yeah?' I asked.

'Yeah, casual :-)' Luke texted.

Okay, I had an hour to get ready. That would be enough time.

I got up from the couch and made my way to my bedroom.

I rushed up the stairs. I didn't notice that someone was rushing down.

"God, slow down Emily! One of us could've died!" I told her harshly.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked me with sassiness in her voice.

"I have an hour to get ready" I told her quickly.

"For what? I thought you weren't doing anything today" she asked.

"Well I'm going out now" I told her trying to end the conversation.

"With who?" She asked.

"Oh my god. Why does it matter to you?" I asked her quite annoyingly.

She was always so inquisitive. (If emer if reading this... Kelly ;)...)

"So it's a boy" she said simply.

How does she know?

I just stared at her.

"Luke?" She asked already sensing that she was right.

I nodded and stared at her. It was creepy how she could read my mind. She must have magical powers or something.

She just winked and went downstairs.

I went to my room and looked for something to wear. I settled on a woollen jumper and light jeans.

I changed my clothes and put up my hair.

I charged my phone for a bit before I left as it wasn't full on battery.


"You look beautiful by the way, Willow" Luke smiled while we walked hand in hand to a small ice cream parlour.

"Thank you" I blushed.

"You're cute when you blush" Luke chuckled.

"Stop you're making me blush even more" I laughed.

"Okay I'll stop complementing the most beautiful girl that I know in this world" Luke said knowing that his words would make me blush.

I just laughed at him and blushed even more than I already was.

We soon reached the ice cream parlour and sat at a small table outside the shop.

"Do you want to go pick out some ice cream?" Luke asked kindly.

"No, I'll save the table you go get yours and get me the same" I smiled.

"Okay, I'll be back soon" he said while kissing my forehead.

That was cute. Every time he kissed me or held my hand or complemented me it felt like the Fourth of July in my stomach.

I sat in a daze thinking about Luke for the next five minutes.

I snapped out of the daze when Luke returned holding two cups of ice-cream.

"Two cups of Oreo ice-cream with magic stars" Luke smiled while placing one of front of me and sitting down with the other.

"Thank you" I chuckled.

"This is amazing" I told him.

"Yeah, they make the ice-cream in the parlour" Luke told me.

We kept up a conversation about ice-cream for the next twenty minutes at least.

"Do you want more ice-cream" Luke asked me once I had finished my unbelievably amazing cup of ice-cream.

"No, I'm okay thanks!" I laughed.

He started fumbling with the cup and spoon and started biting his lip. What was wrong? I wasn't complaining, he looked incredibly sexy when he but his lip. Did I just say that? Yeah.

"You okay Luke?" I asked him.

"Mmm hmm" he hummed while nodding his head.

"You sure?" I giggled.

He looked up and his blue eyes shined brighter than the moon.

"Willow?" He asked sounding very nervous.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I know you might not be ready and I completely understand that but ever since I've set eyes on you I knew you were special. I didn't know you were this special. Every time I see you my heart beats one billion times a second. I've never really felt like this before. I don't even know what this feeling is. I wanted to ask you this for god knows how long but I've been too nervous and awkward about the whole situation. But Willow? What would you say to being my girlfriend?" He asked while staring into my eyes.

My heart stomped.

"I would say yes" I chuckled.

"W-what?" Luke asked sounding surprised.

"Well, honestly I was waiting for you to ask the past while" I admitted.

"So you actually w-want to be my boyfrie-I mean girlfriend sorry" Luke stuttered.

"Yes I really want to be your girlfriend Luke" I laughed.

"Oh my god! Thank you Willow! I seriously thought you would reject me and then I would feel like a total idiot for even thinking a girl like you could like me as a boyfriend" Luke said while practically jumping out of his seat to hug me.

Just as well there was nobody else around. I didn't like PDA. Either did Luke.

I pulled away from the hug and Luke looked at me and laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"I just can't believe this actually happened" he smiled from ear to ear.

"Well believe it" I chuckled.

He leaned down and kissed my lips gently.

Being his girlfriend felt good. I could get used to this.

** finally...

Sorry if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes, I didn't read over it :/ oops :p

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