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Luke's POV

I walked through the dark, cold graveyard, searching for my grandmothers grave.

After five minutes of walking I found it. I hadn't visited since she had died. I didn't have any good reason. I missed her a lot and feared that I'd break down if I visited her. I always talk to her before I go to sleep, but today will be the first time I talk to her by her grave.

"Hey gran" I cheered.

I looked up and saw a weepy willow tree hang over us. It reminded me of Willow.

"I miss you a lot" I admitted.

"I like talking to you. Even though there's no reply, I can feel that you can hear me. I have a lot to tell you about actually. The band is doing good, really good. I know you always told me we'd do well and well, I guess we did, huh?"

I looked around to make sure no one was staring at me like I had two heads. I seemed to be the only one in the graveyard. I didn't mind.

"Also I made new friends. Nathan and Willow. They're great, really great. Obviously Willow is a girl. Nathan is a boy. Nathan is Willows friend but we met through Willow. I know I said that I never believed in love at first sight, but Willow is special. I don't know if I'd call it love but it definitely isn't just a crush. She's beautiful, strong, funny, kind and just nice. She's actually battling leukaemia at the moment, but I'll tell you that story another day. I really like her but its too soon to just tell her how I feel. You always told me I'd find someone special one day. I'm starting to wonder if Willow is the special one? Nathan, Willow and Amelia, were born on the same day. Amelia is Willows friend too, I've never met her yet though, she's in Mexico at the moment. Nathan actually went to school with Ash. They were a year above us. Willow gets homeschooled, like I did, except not for the same reason. I only got homeschooled for the last year and a half of school because the band were taking off. Willow physically can't go to school."

I stopped talking and thought about Willow. I really, really liked her. Maybe I could ask her to hang out later? Or tomorrow? I really want to get to know her better.

The clouds rumbled and rain began to fall.

"Looks like the sky is telling me it's time to go, gran." I chuckled.

I placed a small bunch of yellow roses on my grandmothers grave, they were her favourite.

"Bye Gran, I love you and miss you. I'll visit again soon, I promise."

I smiled at her grave and made my way out of the graveyard.

Missing people sucks.

** hope I didn't confuse any of you by writing in Luke's pov :/ vote and comment?

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