After a one night stand with Min Yoongi. You discover you are pregnant with his child but you decide not to tell him. Instead you wrote a letter of your pregnancy, along with the letters were pictures of your belly bump, ultrasound pictures and the...
_________________________ "If i got the courage to stand before you, would everything be different now?" _____
_Author POV_
It's the day we've all been waiting for, the day when these two characters finally encounter each other like how the Prince looked for his Cinderella or how Ariel went on a quest to search and make Prince Eric love her. Will these two characters have a happy ending like these Disney two princesses? Will Belle find her happiness?
Will Yoongi recognise his princess?
My intro may sound cheesy but aren't we all excited?? i should get to the story now.
After waiting inside the reception of the aquarium with Minnie. Belle was losing her patience with Jin so she called him. We all knew what happened... She called and Jin answered but what she heard during the call shook her but it made us happy because it was hope... However, for Belle it was fear... She knew she was ready to meet him but doubt was speaking to her louder than hope. Her hope was thrown away by her doubt. She was doubting Yoongi... why? if you ask. This is because she knows that, in her heart, it will be hard to trust Yoongi... especially it was a lot harder for her to even hope that Yoongi will accept her with an open arms... worse case scenario...He won't even remember her. I may be the author but we all know... Yes, Yoongi doesn't remember her...
How will this encounter help Belle and Yoongi? How will it affect them?
With all of these thought coming in to Belle's mind... she looked down and remembered... Her baby... no, their baby... her hope overpower her doubt and took over. She touched her bump with care in circular motion and she said...
"If he doesn't remember me, I'll make him remember and i will risk anything for my baby"
Few more minutes have passed, finally a van came and 7 figures came out with their masked on. Although, no one was there since Jin literally paid the owner of the aquarium and also he also made a promise to promote the aquarium in one of his Eat Jin so that he can occupy the aquarium with his daughter without any saesang or media pestering around. They were wearing their mask because they were cautious and accustomed to wearing one.
There was one figure that caught Belle's attention... Of course, it was Min Yoongi. She was staring at him that Yoongi noticed her stare, instead of looking away and confront her about the stare but what he did was stare back. They both spend a good minute staring at each other's eyes. While they were inside their own world, Jin ran to her daughter and while Minnie ran to Jimin instead, because of that Jin came to Belle to complain and fake cry since his own daughter don't want him. Belle broke the staring contest that she was having with Yoongi, her eyes was full of hope and love but now its full of anger and temptation. Temptation to punch Jin on the face because he ruined her beautiful moment with Yoongi and as for the young man....
Yoongi was bewildered to why he was so drawn to that woman's eyes. He felt something inside him, like she was familiar to him and his body was reacting to her stare. This made the young man baffled by what just happened and to why she seemed familiar. Other than Jin's dad joke nothing has ever confuses him since he's Min Yoongi, a genius. However, despite the confusion, he didn't dislike one bit of the moment he just had with Belle although he dislikes all Jin's dad jokes but this was a lot different. After she broke their eye contact, Yoongi was eyeing her, observing her and he notice her stomach... She's pregnant, this made him even more baffled with his feelings and Jin didn't say that she was with someone else or is she? that's what Yoongi was thinking...
Will one of the members notice? Stay tuned because something big will happened...
I meant like BIG, all the secrets will be revealed... ALL!!
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