Imagine #4

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You and Jungkook have been best friends since you were 12 and he was 13 and the two of you were inseparable. You don't get to see him as much as you used to since he's traveling everywhere with BTS but you text and call each other whenever you can. Despite that, nothing compared to seeing him in person. But today he was coming back to visit for a couple of weeks. Unbeknownst to him, you recently started catching feelings for him. You managed to hide it every time you two texted each other or talked on the phone but every time you said goodnight and hung up, your heart would start pounding really fast and you would blush. You were lost in your thoughts when all of a sudden, you heard a knock on the door, startling you. You open the door and sure enough, it was Jungkook!

You give him the biggest hug ever and ask him "How was your flight?"

He sighs and responds, "Long and tiring but it was all worth it. It's so good to see you again! I really missed you."

You look up at him and say "I missed you too. I'm so happy to finally see you, even if it is for a couple of weeks."

"Yeah," said Jungkook. "But in the meantime, we should definitely do something. How about I take you out tonight? We could take a walk through the park if you'd like."

Your heart pounds at the words that came out of his mouth but you manage to say "Sure.  How about 6:00?"

"Sounds good to me," he said. "I have to take care of a couple things first but I'll see you then."

He leaves and you just start pacing back and forth in your room, thinking to yourself "Should I tell him? Should I not tell him? What if he doesn't feel the same way?" and so on. In the end, you were like "You know what? Screw it! I'm telling him tonight! If he doesn't feel the same way about me then it's whatever." 

Before you knew it, 6 o'clock rolled around and as if on cue, Jungkook came through the door. "You ready to go, Y/N?" he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied. You both walk on over to the park, which took about 10 minutes. As you're walking you start talking about different things that happened in your lives until you say "Jungkook, I have a confession to make. I'm not necessarily sure how you're gonna take it."

He gives you his full attention and says "Whatever it is, I won't judge you. I'm always gonna be there for you. You know that. "

You continue saying "I know. The thing is, when I think of you, I don't really think of you as just a friend. I have strong feelings for you, Jungkook. I've realized it a few years ago but I just hid it and didn't say anything for a while." Jungkook seemed a bit taken aback by your sudden confession which made you think the absolute worst.

A minute goes by before he said "Y/N, I have a confession to make too. I...I have feelings for you as well. I just realized this recently. I just couldn't stop thinking about you and how much you meant to me while I was gone. It was driving me insa-"

You lean in and passionately kiss him on the lips, cutting him off. It caught him off guard at first but then he kissed you back with equally as much passion. You both pull away and he asks you "Was that just to shut me up?"

You laugh and say "Well, yes and no. Anyway, thank you for accepting my confession."
"Same goes for you," he said. You stay in each other's embrace for a few minutes until he speaks up. "Y/N?"

"Hmm?" you reply.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

You smile at him and say "Yes."

He smiles his signature bunny smile and gives you another kiss, which lasts for another 30 seconds. The both of you spent as much time together over the next couple of weeks until he had to go back to Seoul to rehearse for upcoming comeback shows. You hated to see him go but you knew that he would be coming back soon so you could spend even more time together.

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