Imagine #7

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It has been a year since you and Jungkook got married. So far, you two have been really faithful in the marriage. Sure, girls would try to hit on him every now and again but he knew that there was no one he would rather have in his life than you. You never really fought about anything major. Just the small stuff like who paid the bills last, who took the garbage out last, or certain habits that you both have. One day you woke up feeling very weak and lightheaded. On top of that, your stomach was ringing up. You didn't think it was that bad until around 6:00 in the evening. You had pretty much thrown up about three times at that point. Jungkook had noticed that you weren't feeling so good so he went out to the store and bought you some medication as well as some soup to eat. As you ate it, you noticed something in a bag. You took it out and saw that it was a digital pregnancy test. 


"Yeah?" he answered back. 

"What'd you buy a pregnancy test for?" 

Jungkook replied, " You could be showing signs of morning sickness so it wouldn't hurt to take one. You never know." 

"You might be right," you said to your husband. "I'm going to take one after I finish this soup." 

He says ok and you go back to eating. After you finish, you went into the bathroom, peed on the test, and waited several minutes. Those minutes went by faster than you thought they would because the test started beeping, showing the results as positive. You got so shocked and excited at the results so you grabbed the test and went out to show Jungkook.

 "Hey, Kookie?" "Hmm?" he replied. "You know how I took the test a few minutes ago?" "Yeah?" he said with a smile forming on his face. "I'm pregnant," you said with a smile. 

Jungkook looked at the test, wide-eyed and then at you. "No way!" he said. 

"Yes way!" you answered back. He picked you up in his arms and spun you around, excited at the news. 

"I can't believe it!" he exclaimed. "We're going to be parents!" 

"I can't believe it either, babe," you responded. "We're going to have the family we've dreamed about for years." 

Jungkook puts you down and pulls you in for a quick kiss. "I honestly can't wait, Y/N." he said. "There is absolutely no one else I would rather have kids with than you." 

"Same goes for you too," you replied. "I'm so glad I'm having your baby!" Jungkook kisses you again and gives you a hug. Over the next several weeks, you both made sure to tell your families the good news and got the nursery ready for when the baby was due to arrive.

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