Imagine #5

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Jungkook paces around the room nervously holding a ring box in his hand. He had been planning on proposing to you for a very long time and he decided that now was the perfect time to do so. He had decided beforehand that he was going to go all out so he needed to buy himself some time before you got home from work. He takes his phone out and calls up Taehyung, who picks up on the first ring.

 "Hey, Jungkook. What's up?" 

"Hyung," he responds, "I decided that I wanted to propose to Y/N tonight so I need you to distract her for a bit." 

Taehyung replies "Sure thing! She actually called me earlier and asked me to pick her up from work. Plus, I've had a feeling that it was going to happen sometime soon so I know exactly what I'm going to say to her." 

"Great!" said Jungkook. "I'll start getting everything ready." 

They hang up and Jungkook starts preparing the house for when you come home. Meanwhile, you got out of work right as Taehyung's car was pulling up. You get in the car, smiling, and say "Hey Tae! How has your day been?"

 Taehyung responds "My day's been good. How was work?"

 You sigh and say "Long and stressful! I just can't wait to get home and sleep." 

"I totally understand," Taehyung says. "But first, I have a little something-something for you. You know how you were telling me how you couldn't afford a dress for our Prom Party coming up this month?" 

"Yeah?" you reply as you start to get curious. 

"Well," he continues bringing out a big box, "I thought I would get you this." Of course, Taehyung is Jungkook's best friend so you knew that he wouldn't mind. He knows that Tae wouldn't do anything to you. You open it up and you see the most gorgeous dress you've ever laid eyes on.

 You open it up and you see the most gorgeous dress you've ever laid eyes on

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"Oh my goodness!" you exclaim as you admire the dress. "Thank you so much!"

 "You're very welcome, Y/N," said Taehyung, hugging you. "That dress was really expensive. Luckily, I had the exact amount in my wallet so I was able to get it for you." 

"Thanks again, Tae. I really appreciate it. Speaking of the Prom Party, I know all of you guys are gonna kill it! You always do! I have absolute faith in you all." 

Taehyung smiles at your compliment and drives you home while jamming out to the radio. You pull up to the house and you can see that everything is dark. You and Taehyung open the door and you are greeted by a row of flower petals and candles on the floor with Jason Derulo's "Marry Me" playing in the background. As you walk through the house, Taehyung hands you a flower. You walk a little further and then Hoseok hands you a flower. As you walk even further into the house, the other members of BTS hand you flowers until you get to the backyard. Right there, on the grass was "I Love You" written in flower petals with candles in the shape of a heart. At this point, you were starting to get emotional while fighting back tears at the same time.

The song ends and, right on cue, Jungkook walks up to you and hands you the last flower. He gives you a big hug, grabs your hand, and begins his speech. "Y/N," he begins, "ever since I met you three years ago, I knew you would be the one I'd want to spend the rest of my life with. You've changed my life in so many ways and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be the man I am today. I love you more than you could ever imagine and so, I wanna ask you..." He gets down on one knee, pulls out the ring, and says "Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" 

At this point, you are full-on crying. After a second, you say "Yes! A million times yes!" He gets up, slips the ring on your finger, hugs you, and gives you the most passionate kiss that you two have ever shared as a couple. Meanwhile, everyone around you was applauding in congratulations for you both. As you take in the moment, you start to realize that this is only the first step to a lifetime full of surprises.

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