Chapter 6

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"Luke?" I stare at him as if I've seen a ghost, the tension sucking me in and spitting me back out. I look into his eyes which look lost and angered, his hair out of place as usual and his hands in fists at his side.

"Lauren," his voice is calm but rough. "It's not what it looks like..." His hand comes up to my face and I flinch, scared of his touch.

"It's exactly what it looks like, Luke," I say running over to Harry and checking he's okay. My hands over his face, checking every inch for a mark or an injury but couldn't find any. "Thank god, you're okay."

"I'm fine, love," his calm voice wraps around my ears like his arms wrap around my waist. "Let's get you back to the hotel."

Harry entwines our fingers together and pulls me out of the room, Luke's eyes never leaving the back of my head and the tears well up in the back of my eyes. I didn't feel drunk anymore, I felt drained, like someone had taken away the buzz caused by the alcohol and left me with nothing. We get outside the venue and Harry stops walking, his eyes look at me as if looking for a sign and I blink my tears back. He can not see me cry twice in a day.

"I'm sorry," he says sympathetically, holding my face with his hand and pulling me into him. "I didn't want anything to happen, love."

I smile at the term, love, never getting tired of the sweet ring to it.

"Who's Emily?" The questions spills out of my mouth and cannot be pulled back in, I'm curious what they were fighting about.

"Lauren, that's not important," He wraps his arm around my shoulder and starts walking down the street. "Let's get you back to the hotel room."

My shoes are the only sound clattering on the side walk as we walk back to the hotel, Harry doesn't talk, he doesn't even talk. It wasn't an awkward silence though, more like intense waiting for him to tell me who Emily was and why she's bothering him. We entered the hotel and the receptionist gave us a warm smile, the lights were a little intimidating coming in from the dull but it was warm. I just needed sleep, my feet were hurting just as bad as my head and my dress was getting itchy.

The lift was already on the bottom floor so when I clicked the circular button the doors slid open. I stepped in along with Harry and he clicked the floor. I eyed him carefully, he was biting his lip and looking away. His mop of curls even more of a mess and his eyes were a little blood shot.

"Harry, if something's bother-"

"It's nothing, Lauren. Leave it," he turns to look at me and smiles for the first time in twenty minutes. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and smile back, planting a light kiss on his soft cheek. The doors re-open on the floor that Harry's room was on and he steps out. "You can stay in my room, I don't think your mum will want to see you a little drunk."

"Mr. Styles, is that just an exuse to get me in your room?" I giggle but scold him afterwards.

"Maybe it's because I don't want any of the other members of your brothers band fighting me tonight," he smiles and pulls me out the lift before it closes. "They won't do anything if you're there."

There's a smug look on his face, a look anyone would die for, too hard to resist. "Fine," I give in. "But... You're sleeping on the floor."

He agrees and runs to the room, expecting me to run too but I don't. My feet are too sore and who can run in heels? So I walk as quick as my feet can take me. He's leaning against the wall, one foot up and he's fixing his hair. This is just a dream, Lauren.

"Take those stupid shoes off," his English accent goes through my ears for the thousandth time. I stand at the door to his room and laugh.

"You're kidding me right? I'll take them off in a few steps when I'm in the room," I tap the door, gesturing for him to open the door so I can sleep until afternoon.

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