Chapter 7

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I instantly felt bad, checking on Harry and not Luke when Luke got the worst blow to the fight. I didn't know what to say, I stood there merciless looking at him in awe.

"Are you just going to stand there?" The familiar accent of my home town speaks but with no emotion whatsoever.

"Yeah, I think I might." I laugh, trying to lift the tension between us. Ashton puts his hand on my shoulder, knocking me out of the replays of last nights scenes in my head.

"What's up, Lauren?" Ashton asks me, sitting down next to Luke and nudging him on the shoulder.

"Uh," I freeze, looking back at Luke's black eye and I take a step back, hitting the bed behind me. I look at his jumper, still with the mascara stains on the sleeves. "I'm sorry about your jumper Luke."

He laughs, looking up for the first time and all I see in his eyes is remorse hatred. "That's what you're saying sorry for?" The hatred in his voice evident and I feel myself tremble with fear. I couldn't speak, neither could anyone else. Ashton looked away, Calum and Michael continued their game and I- I was terrified.

"He punched me more than once, he has no damage to his face yet you take his side. You don't even know what fucking happened, Lauren. You don't even know him." He spat, standing up and his size overpowered mine.


"Ash, stay out of this," I wanted to back away, but I couldn't. I wanted to vanish, but I couldn't. But most of all I wanted to speak. I couldn't. "He's not as good as you think he is. He's not the fucking hero in your story because guess who'll have to save you when he uses you? Ash will. Then you'll be fucking sorry."

The tears were threatening to spill once again but I wasn't letting Luke get the satisfaction.

"Talk to me when you stop being a dick." I shout, letting my anger out as I push him away from me. I grab my jumper that I left the other day and walk out, slamming the door behind me.

I get out to the hall, pacing back and forth not knowing where to go. Why does everyone hate me? I run my fingers through my hair, realising how greasy it is. I'll shower and get lunch, calm myself down and stay out of everyone's way. I knock on my room, waiting on my mum to answer and she does.

"Hey mum," I smile. "I left my room key in here, sorry."

"It's okay, sweetie." She smiles back and let's me in, I walk straight over to my suitcase and get a shampoo bottle out.

"I need a shower, but do you want to go to lunch with me?" I ask, hoping she'll say yes.

"Lauren, I'm sorry but I told your brother I'd take him round Glasgow," my mum walks over and hugs me tight, she always knows when something's wrong. "Get Ashton to go with you."

"Okay, thanks mum." I smile and awkwardly shimmy past her to go into the bathroom. I place my hands on the side of the sink and look at my reflection. Looking at the mess of myself and hoping that my life wasn't so bad on the other side.


"I feel like it's been forever," I laugh, looking at Ashton from the other side of the table. "I've missed you."

"Lauren, we did all the sappy stuff at the airport." He tells me, waving the woman over to get our order. It was only Pizza Hut but it was amazing, getting to talk to Ashton alone.

"I know, but that feels like ages ago," I reason. "So much shit has happened."

"Lauren," he scowls. The lady, Sandra, comes over to take our order. "We'll just have a large margarita pizza and some onion rings." He orders for us and looks back at me afterwards.

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