Chapter 1

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Just a normal day, scrolling on my twitter seeing people spamming me to ask my brother to follow them. Fake friends everywhere, I hate it. At school, online and even people who stop me on the street (although that's very rare). I just want someone to like me for me. Not through my brothers fame. He's been away with his band for months now on the 'Take Me Home' tour with my favourite band One Direction. Right enough he has got me plane tickets to fly to Glasgow for their last performance.

I've never spoke to his band members much... Ashton's too protective and thinks I'll get hurt. He has a point, I guess he knows them better than i do. It's hard, going through secondary school finding people who i think will be my friend but turn out they just want Ashton. It was easier when he wasn't famous, much easier. I, personally, hate it. I miss him.

Sometimes I just wish it was back to the way we were before he was famous, we were really close but now he's in the UK and im stuck here in Australia.

I'm glad its the winter break, I don't mind the cold. Plus I get seven weeks off school so there's a bonus while I build my snowmen. I'm off school that's the main thing, no more drama for awhile.

My mum's already packing for the UK though, we dont leave for another one and a half days with my little brother Harry. I guess you can already tell I'm a bit of a last minute person.

My phone suddenly bursts out the ringtone Smells Like Teen Spirit and I instantly slide to answer.

"Hey Ash." i smile, knowing my brother was on the other line.

"Lauren! How I'm glad to hear your voice." I could tell he was smiling too. I giggle in response. "Happy birthday!"

I sigh. "Dont remind me."

"What's wrong? You're finally 16, you're flying over in two days and you'll never guess what i got you for your birthday"

I perk up a bit in excitement, "What is it? A dog? Hmmm.... Maybe food, I'd like food."

My brother laughs at the other side of the phone and i suddenly miss him even more, I want to get on that plane now.

"No! Even better." Now he's just being cocky... I mean whats better than an puppy? "Backstage passes to meet the one and only....."

"ONE DIRECTION?" I scream and jump off of my bed into the pile of messiness on the floor.

"FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER!" He yells just as excitedly as me on the other side of the phone. I find myself slowly gaining my sanity back and slowly sitting back on my bed. "And yes, One Direction."

My mood lifts just as quick as it fell and me and Ashton sit talking on the phone for an hour gossiping about everything and anything possible.

"What time is it Ash?" I ask him after yawning.

"It's 2pm. Why?"

"It's 1am here!" I get on at him, Hornsby is just... ugh, Hornsby with the typical people shouting drunk outside. "I'm going to sleep Ashton, night bye! And i'll see you.... Tomorrow." I hang up on him before he can say night and put my phone on charge on the bedside table before turning the lamp off and closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes and saw everything brighter, i felt somewhat... Happier. Rather than my 'teenage' self, i actually got out my bed and it's 10am. I pranced downstairs and saw my little brother sitting at the breakfast bar with a slice of toast in his hand. I walk past him and ruffle up his hair getting the don't-touch-my-hair-again-or-i"ll-kill-you look and walked over to my mum grabbing the bit of toast out her hand and putting it in my mouth.

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