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Just a quick announcement before the epilogue starts! (sorry for the interruption) Go make sure to check out my other book "Tower of Rebirth"! (shameless plug). I've been working really hard on the book and I would really like you guys to read it! If you guys want me to write another FanFic, comment down and leave suggestions for me, I read everyone one of them! Ok, without further ado, the last REAL (half) final chapter of Toradora Drama, I present to you, the epilogue! Enjoy!

Sorry, another message before we start! Due to the planning of a vacation, I could not write more than this. I know I promised that this would be out last month T^T, but I just didn't have enough done. The next half will be finished around Mid-September at best. Ok, sorry for the wait, thank you for staying with me all this way!


Ryuuji's POV

A few years have passed since I asked that fateful question.

A four-word sentence can change your whole life.

Will you marry me? I asked her that fateful day.

She told me yes. 10 years later, here I am. Ryuuji Takasu is my name and Taiga Takasu is my wife's name.

Surprisingly, Taiga somehow became a lawyer. Unsurprisingly, I flunked college and decided to be a stay at home dad.

Although our time together is scarce because of Taiga's job, we still have our quality time. I sometimes take jobs from the internet and we make a pretty decent living, considering we really have one working person. I basically clean the house, make food, and take care of the babies.

Wait, did I forget to mention we had kids? Well, we do now!

We actually got twins on the day of the delivery.

They are both currently 8 years old.

The male is named Yuta and the female is named Taji.

It's funny because they are the complete opposite of Taiga and me.

On a typical day in the Takasu household, you can hear...

Narrator's POV

"Waaaaaaahahhaaaa!" Taji yells.

"Stop crying, Taji! You cry-baby!" Yuta says.

Yuta snatches Taji's toy out of her hands and runs through the hallway and up the stairs.

"Hey! Not fair!" Taji yells as she chases her brother through the whole house.

"Hey you guys, cut it out!" Ryuuji yells.

Ryuuji sighs as he gets off his couch and shuts the TV off. He goes to the bottom of the stairs and yells, "Yuta, Taji, cut it out, you guys! You both have your own toys to play wit-"

Ryuuji stops as he feels a toy car hit his face.

"Haha! Daddy come and catch me!" Yuta says running away.

"Arghh... you are really in trouble now!" Ryuuji says.

Ryuuji runs up the stairs only to step on Legos on the 2nd floor.

Ryuuji cries in pain and smacks his head against the wall and falls down the stairs.

Yuta gives out a sinister laugh and hides in a nearby closet to be hidden from his father's sight.

Ryuuji gets angry and searches ferociously around the house. Taji just stands there crying because her toy hasn't been returned to her yet.

"D-Daddy... will I get Dolly back?" Taji asks Ryuuji.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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