10. First Word

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Its really long... I don't mean to but then I do.
1.9k+ words, you've been warned.
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Their development in communication was just as important. They made sure to talk to them just so they would recognize their voices then slowly repeating words. "Food, toys, yes, no, hungry, Dada, Papa."

But, before any of that, they made sure they'd know their own names which was difficult considering all three were almost always in the same room. With a little more effort of just a few minutes a day of calling their names seperatly, they reacted to it eventually. They'd usually react through their heads, listing, turning, or looking over to the direction they thought it came from. Their faces would light up and sometimes they'd smile at who ever it was calling them. Or maybe frown, they got tired of being called for no reason.

When they were changed they would name parts of their bodies: head, knees, shoulders, usually it was followed by the song. At one point they would point to their body parts that they were asked to point at.

When they began to blabber on about absolutely nothing, the grown ups responded as if they were talking to one another. Always staying as exaggerated as they possibly could and the triplets let out small giggles at times along with their continues blabbering. They'd even explain out loud what they were doing at the time, be it cooking, cleaning, getting things or even writing. Usually it was Yoongi when he'd bring them into his home office and had to work but didn't want to leave them unattended. In result of the dullness, they'd eventually fall asleep in his arms.

The word "no" was one of the very first ones they learned to understand. The first time was when the girls were caught hitting one another because they both wanted to play with the same toy. Hoseok was there to make sure they wouldn't hurt each other more and told them 'no' in a firm voice. After a few more times, they understood what it meant especially when Hyeonseo started to a fight with Yuseok and this time it was Yoongi who used his tough voice bringing heavy tears to both their eyes. Yoongi would then have to hug them and kiss them trying to explain that they shouldn't fight with each other.

"Hyeonie, you can't hit you're brother or your sister. Its bad and they cry because you hurt them. No hitting. Daddy and Papa get angry. Okay? No hitting." He'd shake his head along with the word "no" and show his mean/angry face that had a hint of cuteness added to it. He didn't want to scare her with his real mean or angry face. Her eyes would tear up knowing that "no" meant something bad. Hoseok was sure neither of them could understand as he watched from the door way. Afterwards, Yoongi kissed and hugged them both which made their tears stop and only sniffles to be heard.

They even understood that their grunts and whines got their parents attention especially when they dropped their toys from their high chairs, or outside of their play place, or anywhere they couldn't reach. Sometimes they'd do it for fun because they wanted their Papa's or Daddy's attention which usually worked on Yoongi while Hoseok was a bit reluctant and so Yoongi would swoop in to take them away, or any of the other guys if Yoongi was preoccupied. 

They'd test the waters to see what responses they'd receive. They would touch the outlets which were thankfully covered and usually, their parents would say "Don't touch" or "no" and they would shake their head no and move on to play or wonder around. They'd wait a bit before they went on to do something else and see if it resulted in a good reaction or a bad one.

They're laughs was also one of the most exciting moments especially for Yoongi who's goal was to make them laugh first. For Yeongju it was the small act of tickling her feet, Hyeonseo got raspberries blown to her tummy. Their loud high pitched giggles made Yoongi's heart swell. He felt so happy that he did it just a little longer so he could hear the pleasurable sound of their cute giggles and laughter.

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