14. Does it matter?

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Because it was too long~
I hate having more than 1.3k-1.5k words
I feel like its too long when I'm reading it and I tend not to finish reading chapter. Then I come back like DAAAYS *cough* month/s *clears throat* later to read it.
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It was almost 1 am, Yoongi had just finished his shower after an extremely long day. He had worked for too long and had finished work just before midnight only to come home and get his youngest to sleep. Yuseok was awake but quiet so Hoseok couldn't hear him playing silently. It was up to Yoongi to put himself in charge of putting his little boy to sleep.

Just as he was about to go under the covers, his screen began to brighten up showing Namjoon's face. He sighed heavily, rolled his eyes and picked up his phone letting it ring silently, he didn't want to wake anyone so Namjoon would have to wait until Yoongi got to the first floor.

"Hey hyung, have you and Hoseok had sex yet?" This is what he called him for? He ruined his possibility of getting even 5 maybe 10 minutes of extra sleep for this.

"Is that what you called me in the middle of the night for?" Yoongi groaned, hand over his forehead massaging his temples.

"Sorry. Time zones. I'll make sure to check and call at a convenient time from now on. Have you and Hoseok had sex yet?"

"Its none of your business what I do with my mate. Do you want me to know about your sex life?"

"Okay. I'm gonna take that as a no. So why? I know you and I just can't wrap my head around it."

"Why the hell are you even asking?" Yoongi was beyond annoyed now. He was just thinking about the extra few minutes of sleep he could have had.

"Jimin asked me to ask you. Hoseok told him and he's concerned for you two. Should prepare yourself, Hoseok might bring it up."

"Its" Yoongi paused for a second. Does he really want to tell him? He might be his best friend but there was a large possibility of being made fun of. He doesn't want his reputation to fall further down. "Complicated."

"Okay. That's a good answer for me and I know how to explain it to Jimin. Tell the kids I said good night. Sweet dreams and that I miss them. Oh! And tell Hoseok the same thing. Bye hyung. See you soon and hopefully its not call."

"Hmm. Bye." Yoongi hung up and looked at his call long. "Heats and ruts what kind of conversation is that. Are we 16 and horny?" He got up with furrowed eyebrows then quickly went up the stairs to his bedroom.

Hoseok had been thinking hard about what Jimin had mentioned. Why hadn't he had a heat? Has Yoongi had ruts? Was he in heat when he got pregnant? How were his hormonal levels high enough to have heats? There were too many questions and Yoongi could probably help answer them.

Yoongi had been sitting in his office after lunch. He had a couple of documents to check and it wouldn't take too long so he took advantage of this time considering the triplets were sleeping. Hoseok had wondered off into his office after three little ones passed out from exhaustion.

"Yoongi, honey," Yoongi looked up towards the younger with a questioning look. "Jimin hyung and I were talking and something came up that is really important." Yoongi watched him take the seat in front of him with a worried expression. He was also nervous about the conversation that was to come his way.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Uhm do you- do you remember anything about the night we conceived?" Hoseok was blushing a deep red across his face and neck. This was so emberassing. He played with his hands looking down at his lap.

"Wh-what part exactly." Yoongi was stumbling over his words. He knew this was coming but he didn't realize that it would baffle and embarrass him too.

"Was I in heat? Jimin is a nurse and he thinks that its not good that I haven't had a heat ever in my life and that we haven't had any sexual relationships after giving birth. You don't f-" Yoongi found Hoseok's rambling quite funny and cute especially the way his bottom lip came out as if he was pouting. He couldn't look Yoongi directly in the eyes or his blush would grow again. He looked down at his desk and smiled before pushing his chair back and give space between him and the desk.

"Come here." Yoongi watched as Hoseok walked around his desk and sat on his lap. Back to the arm rest, legs on the other side of Yoongi's thighs with both arms over his shoulders.

"I don't think that this is something as important. Jimin is exaggerating. We'll do it when you're ready and we'll have a thorough and deep conversation about it. Until then, lets just enjoy the small things like you sitting on my lap and the kisses I give you." Yoongi wrapped his arm's around the younger's waist tightly as he kissed his checks and neck. Hoseok trying to push him away while he laughed and whined. Yoongi finally stopped after a couple of minutes, he released a happy sigh and Hoseok kissed his cheek.

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