15. His Wolf Returns

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Initially, this was supposed to be uploaded before the first major chapter but I forget.
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"Hey, I know that you're listening. I just wanted to tell you, I miss you. So please comeback."

Hoseok was beyond worried. It had been 4 months since his wolf had appeared, 2 when she whimpered from Yoongi's tease. He was cautious and worried for what could happen. He hadn't spoken to his doctor about it or anyone for that matter. She seemed to have locked herself away somewhere within Hoseok's conscious. He didn't know where or how to get her to comeback but, he did know that she was listening. Yoongi's comment made him realize that.

He wanted her back even if her whining was beyond annoying, he knew she was just trying her best to find their mate when they were both completely lost. They didn't even know who they were, where they came from, or where they were going. They relied on each other and she had an idea of where she was going. She could only rely on her instinct, to find a mate and be accepted into a pack. Being without a pack as an omega was not ideal nor was it safe so she looked for someone, anyone who could attend to their needs.

Hoseok thought it would be best to be alone but no matter how hard he tried, his wolf was always stronger. So her being gone made him feel a little empty. He had finally gotten his other half but part of himself was missing and he just wanted her back.

"You okay, baby?" Yoongi called out to the younger male who seemed spaced out when his name was called a few times but he hadn't responded. 

"Yeah, its just a lot has been on my mind." Hoseok looked at him and then looked back at his triplets who were laying on their backs playing with the toys they shook in their hands or in their mouth.

"You can tell me. Or I'll hear it from in here." Yoongi held a finger to his temple resulting in a frowning Hoseok. He didn't like Yoongi listening to his thoughts when it wasn't really nessasery. He said some really dumb stuff in his head, he couldn't let his real IQ show.

"Don't. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"Does it have to do with your wolf whimpering a couple months ago?"

"How did you know?" Hoseok's eyes grew large and his lips rounded. It had been the topic of heavy and thorough thinking for a while now. He heard Hoseok's wolf for the first time since they were mated and it wasn't male. It gave him the answer he needed on Hoseok's sweet pheromones since they've been together. Initially, he thought it was due to the pregnancy, all pregnant wolves had a sweeter touch to their scent. He knew that Hoseok didn't understand the way in which his wolf changed genders but what worried him most was that he hadn't heard anything from her. She was silent and his wolf had gone silent for a while now too. He thought it was his wolf protesting about a small issue but he was wrong. He had missed the other wolf too and it taking toll on him.

"I sensed it and my wolf wouldn't stop laughing at her."

"You still know she is still 'she' too."


"Well I guess I have no other choice then."

"Well you do. You can tell me or I can keep guessing on what I think is right."

"She hasn't comeback. I think she's stuck somewhere in my subconscious or she's being stubborn. I mean, I didn't sense her for more than halfway through my pregnancy and when I was able to transform, I thought she had come back. She did, because she was needed and understood the situation. She did it because our pups where in danger, after wards, she left." Hoseok rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder and the older male wrapped his arm around his body, he carassed his sides gently listening to the male speak. "I thought she was still going through her change but when she whimpered, I felt relief. She was still away. Gone for some time now. She- I need her back. I feel like a part of me is missing."

"I'm sorry." He kissed the top of his head and squeezed his body gently. "I think we should talk to an elder omega, he might be able to help."

"Do you think he'll want to?"

"I don't know." Hoseok wasn't approved of by all the elders but they knew there wasn't anything they could do. Before they even knew it, the orphaned omega and the pack's leading alpha had already mated with pups in their arms. They couldn't do anything, so they let them be. They made their opinions clear to all members of the pack. Even the few elders who approved, were afraid to show their approval. The elders had ways of handling issues if needed.

The young omega had been in the laundry room taking out clothing from the dryer into a basket where he'd take it to the living room and fold it neatly before it had to be put away.

"Hoseok." He heard a female's voice echo. The omega dropped the basket and looked around seeing no one. It was in his head, the voice came from his head. She was talking to him.

"Wh-where are you?"

"I'm here. Here with you. Always."

"Where have you been?"

"Lost. You could say. In your-our memories. I found something and then I didn't want to leave just yet."

"What did you find?"

"I can't tell you. There's no reason to tell you. Those memories, we forgot them for a reason. They don't matter in the life we have now. We found our mate and now we have children. So lets live happy. I'm coming back, Hoseok." Hoseok smiled with glossy eyes. He didn't realise how much he'd missed her. Her voice, this was a first. He had never heard his wolf's voice, they weren't ment to have one but some learned how to mimic sounds to form words to their human half. Even then it would take years of practice and sturdy on the wolf's side which resulted in extreme exhaustion on the human side.

He thought it was motherly, kind and soft. He liked this voice, he found comfort in this voice. Either way, he was curious of one thing. He always, secretly was curious about it.

"I'm so glad you're coming back. But, our parents. Did you?"

"Hoseok, they were great people who love us so much. They died but they kept us safe and sent us to the orphanage they trusted most to take care of their child." Hoseok wiped a stray tear and smiled again, a weak one as it didn't stay long on his lips before it was pressed into a fine line.

"Do you know how they died?"

"Yes. It was a car accident, slippery roads from weeks old snow compacted. We were so young and we were also lucky. Now its time to go back together."

"Okay." Hoseok let another tear fall before wiping that one away too and moving his head from side to side to get his bangs out of his eyes.

Hoseok had been gone for too long just to get laundry. Even if he had gone to do something else, he would've known and it wouldn't have taken this long either. "Something must have happened?" The alpha thought before getting up and heading to the laundry room. He opened the door to see his onega crouched down with his face between his arms. "Hoseok, you okay?" Yoongi knelt down and put his hands to his shoulders. Hoseok looked up with pink and slightly swollen eyes. His heart ached, he held his face in his hands and thumbs softly glidding over the gentle skin in attempt to comfort.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." He leaned into the touch and held his larger hand still against his own cheek. He smiled looking up at the older male, "We don't have to meet the elder anymore. She's back."

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