7 Apologies

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I'm sorry its late! I forgot.... Again
I hate this chapter.
2k+ words. You've been warned
But I like the next one so triple update!
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After staying with Jungkook a little longer, silently patting his back unsure of how to comfort him. He wasn't the child that was easily comforted by ice cream, toys, or video games. He was a 19 year old man barely getting a hang of having to adult. This was a difficult task to complete, hopefully he'd figure something out eventually. He might have to do this as his triplets grew olfer.

This gave Hoseok enough time to cool his head and start thinking straight again.

Hoseok had gone straight to his and Yoongi's shared room pacing back and forth in front of the glass wall. He took deep breaths trying hard not to cry and control his swirling mixed emotions. His hands even going up to his gace and fanning away the tears he suppressed or ran a hand in his hair from frustration. He knew how he had made himself appear and was actually afraid of himself but looking out into the forest gave him a sense of peace. He didn't spend much time out there but looking out into the tall trees let his mind wonder on to other things. His temper subsiding for the time being.

Yoongi walked into their room and saw Hoseok staring out into the green scenery with what he assumed to be his arms crossed. He shut the door softly as the triplets were sleeping just across them with the door open. He left Jung-kook and Namjoon in charge just in case any of them woke up. "Hoseok-" he only got to his name before he was interrupted.

"No Yoongi." Hoseok had turned his upper body to glance at Yoongi by the door before looking back to the forest. "You gave him this stupid idea and I won't allow you to do the same to me."

The tone in his voice told Yoongi how the younger felt. All of it directed towards him. He hated it and his wolf even more, 'how dare he talk to his alpha like this!' He felt the strong urge of his alpha wolf trying to control him. A burning, over powering sensation heavy on his shoulders and his feet. No. He wouldn't let all his hard work be thrown away, he breathed in, closed his eyes. "Enough!" His internal voice over powered the angry alpha wolf. He coward back with a low growl and Yoongi breathed in before speaking.

"I didn't do anything but give him options when you clearly couldn't because he knew exactly how you'd react. You proved him right in the worst way he could even imagine. So don't blame him and don't blame me or Namjoon. Blame yourself for hurting him."

"You think I wanted to? I want him to be happy with the life he chose for himself. A life away from the man that tortured and forced a child into following his every command unlike you." Jungkook had confessed so long ago the reason he had 'ran away from home.' He was forced into strict schedules of non stop lessons. A child had a right to enjoy their free time and do as kids do. Play and get in trouble, get hurt, laugh and cry. He knew too, Yoongi didn't complain and did as he was told. Followed the rules just to keep their father happy. He thought it was unfair and what Jungkook had done was beyond brave and he had deep conver-sations about his future. He'd support him for his love of photography and help with anything he could.

"Unlike me? I do what is best for my family, our family. I haven't spoken to that man in months because I separated myself from him and his mate. I am doing the best I can and you have no right to bad mouth me. I have done everything to be a good man to you and a good father to our kids." His voice was beginning to grow louder and Hoseok was almost shacking. Small trembled could be spotted through his shoulders and the shifting in his feet told Yoongi a lot.

They stood face to face, able to see each other's expression. Hoseok couldn't lie. He was shaking from fear as Yoongi spilled an aura of dominance and his voice was starting to express a series of mixed emotions. Maybe as mixed as his were, not even 5 minutes ago. Yoongi took in a deep breath and brought his tone back down before continuing.

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