1. Triplets' Name

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I know I wouldn't have remembered what I read last. So here we have
Ch 42. Triplet's Name from "Appa?"
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"Hello. How are you Hoseok?" Dr. Kim called out as he had pushed the door open then held it as two nurses walked in with the baby girls. They had come back a few hours past what Dr Kim had told them. Howeber, he had come in two hours later as promised but they were deep asleep and seemed comftorable. He knew the omega needed the rest the most as he was exhausted and needed some time to heal. So he decided he'd bring the girls in when they had woken up.

"Hello, Dr.Kim. I'm doing just fine."

"That's good to hear. We brought the two girls back and to give you an update on the boy."

"How is he?" Hoseok's voice had shown so much worry and concern along with his face. Yoongi took his hand trying to give him comfort and tell him he's here for the omega.

"He's doing well. He's having some trouble keeping his own body temperature and his heart is weak. It'll cause a few problems but he will be completely healed sometime between 16 to 18 years if age. He won't be able to do too many strenuous exercises or activities. It also means that there's a possibility that he gets asthma but we'll see how his development continues. He'll stay in the NICU until he can keep his body temperature stable. It should take a couple of days so if you'd like to see him or feed him just go there. The nurses will help you when you're feeding."

"Okay. Thank you."

It had just been a few hours since Dr. Kim had told them about the young boys situation and he had missed him so much. He had barely seen him in his human form and wished to hold him, keep him with him the whole time. He felt desperate and so he decided to go visit the boy. As he walked through the hall his phone began to ring with his Alpha's caller ID which had been changed from 'Yoongi Appa' to 'Honey ❤ Appa' by the alpha himself.

"Hey babe, where are you?"

"I'm going to go see our baby boy. I miss him."

"Okay. Stay safe."

"I will. You know we're still in a hospital right?"

"Yeah I know but if something happens to you or the triplets I could only blame myself. I'm your alpha and they are my pups." Hoseok felt himself get warmer at Yoongi's words that made him sound like a knight in shining armor. He knew he could always be safe with Yoongi even his words brought comfort to his heart.

"I'm here Yoongi, I'll text you when I leave."

"Okay. Bye baby."

"Bye Yoongi." Hoseok wasn't sure how Yoongi was so confident in calling him by his favorite pet names. He wanted to try it but he always chickened out at the over whelming feeling of pure nervousness and shyness.

Hoseok had changed into the set attire to keep any sort of germs out of NICU. He stepped inside when the doors slide open and a male nurse looked at him.

"Hi I'm the boy's mom." Hoseok pointed to the baby boy in the closed incubator.

"Oh. Its nice to meet you Alpha's Hoseok." The male nurse bowed and the younger returned it with a small head bow. His hips still stung as he was bruised under his skin except in one of two spots where he had exterior bruises. "Are you here to feed him?"


"Alright. We'll see if he wants to eat. If not then you'll have to pump your breast and see if he'll eat out of a bottle." Hoseok nodded his head and waited for the nurse to take the boy out while he sat at a rocking chair left in the NICU for similar situations to this. 

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