Chapter 22 - Heartbroken

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Dressed in his white Babban Riga with black embroidery in the centre, Ismail looked into the mirror before wearing the black cap in his hand. He was the right amount of excited. Some weeks ago, he wouldn't dare dream about this day. He thought the day the engagement got cancelled it was over, nothing to look back at. But like always, fate had her way of fulfilling the promise he gave Zara. To make her his wife and mother of his unborn children.

The daurin aure and a dinner are the only events. He thought Zara will want something more than that seeing she is the extravagant type. He pulled his phone from the charger and stuffed it in his breast pocket. He was told by his uncle that his phone was stolen from his trouser pocket the last wedding that they had gone to. So putting it in his breast pocket was a safer choice.

The house was eerily quiet. Not even Charity's gospel music was on. Ismail had previously told his friends to meet him at the mosque because he didn't want to give Kameela more reminders. He passed by Kameela's side and it was absolutely quiet. He knew she was awake because he had heard her earlier in the kitchen with Charity. He couldn't possibly peep into her room and say 'Oh honey, I'm off to my wedding. Cheerio! Ta-ta!'. He figured it was better he'd just leave.

After the daurin aure, pictures were taken, food was eaten. Ismail felt fully satisfied. He'd never felt like that as long as he could remember. He knew Zara belonged in his house, in his home. But something was off, he couldn't pin point it but it was off. Then suddenly it hit him. Kameela. He hasn't had any normal conversation with her since he told her he was getting married. He decided it better to talk to her now before Zara moved in the next day. Ismail bid everyone farewell including his new lovely wife before he went back home.

He arrived at the house finding it as quiet as he left it. He climbed up the stairs, skipping two at a time. He went straight to Kameela's side but found it empty. He checked his room and found it in the same condition as he left it. He removed his Babban Riga and tossed it onto the bed and jogged downstairs. He entered the kitchen and saw Charity wiping the counter.

"Good afternoon sir. I heard you got married today sir. Emm co-congratulations sir." She said while doing a mini squat every time she said 'sir'.

"Thank you Charity. Have you seen Kameela?"

"Yes sir. But she left when I went out to the market sir." Kameela always asked for his permission before she went out. It wasn't needed but it made him feel good about himself. He thought that maybe she thought his friends would come over to the house after the daurin aure and she didn't want more reminders or disturbance so she left. But he was still curious as to where she had gone to.

He brought out his phone from his pocket to call her. When he unlocked his phone he saw text messages and missed calls from Kameela and Sameer. He didn't bother opening any message. He just called Kameela. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Kameela where have you been?"

"Hospital." She said soberly.

"Hospital? Are you okay? What happened? Which hospital?"

"I'm fine. It's Manal." This time, she sounded a bit tired.

"What happened to her?"

"She's in labour"

"Umm okay. Which hospital?"

"Aminu Kano."

"I'm on my way." He cut the call immediately and ran back upstairs to get the car key.

In a couple of minutes, he arrived at the hospital and drove into a free parking space. He got down and walked towards the maternity ward. He asked the receptionist where Manal was and she directed him. Briskly walking, he found the room. He knocked first and waited for a reply. He heard a muffled 'enter'.

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