Chapter 3 - Family Event

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Kameela's P.O.V.

Coming out of the bathroom after a long hot bath I see my cousin, Amina, on my dressing table. She was doing her make up, fully dressed with just her scarf missing. Walking towards my wardrobe, Amina turns "Hey you!" I turn around to see her half done face. I put my hands at akimbo resting my weight on my right leg and turning my head at an almost 45 degree. "I could have given birth to three baby elephants and you still wouldn't have come out of the bathroom."

"Honey is your vagina doing alright there?" I said as I place my two hands, one over the other, on my chest and gave her a sympathetic look. She rolls her eyes and turns back around. I look at the mirror to see her expression I figured it was pointless because she was putting on her mascara and her face looked disoriented. I just turn back to continue my short journey to my wardrobe. I open it and stare at my clothes for what seems like hours. Sitting on my bed that is fairly close to my wardrobe I ask Amina "Mimi, what should I wear?"

"You didn't use your spare time in the toilet to think about that?" Amina asks with a tinge of sarcasm.

"Are you going to help me or nah?" Rolling my eyes at her but she didn't see me because my back was turned.

"A little please wouldn't hurt you know." She said more to herself but I still heard her and I chose to ignore it. She stands up and walk towards the wardrobe. She studies it like Sherlock studies his crime scenes.

"What about this?" She asks raising up an Ankara skirt and blouse.

"Nope, the skirt is too tight." I said squeezing my face.

"You should really wear it. It's nice." She said while stuffing the clothes in my face.

"Alright then, I will see what I can do." I said. She turns on her heels and continues her make up.

"Gosh." I sigh. After applying my lotion and roll on, I go to my set of drawers to get my underwear. I pick out my only thong. I'm just in the mood today to let my booty do its own thinking. I pull out a matching bra then I put them on.

I pick out a T-shirt and joggers and wear them. Walking towards the door, I hear Amina say "Don't tell me you're planning on leaving this house with that." As she points at what I am wearing.

"I'm not, I just want to fry the samosas. When I'm done I will wear my clothes." I said the last part already out the door.

Ismail's P.O.V.

Eating a bowl of Lucky charms and watching Adventure Time has become a morning ritual for me, well apart from the days I'm on duty. Still lost in my thoughts, I hear a door bang.

Looking towards the door I see Aisha standing in front of the door with my nephew, Sadiq, on her shoulder. She has some sort of confused expression on her face. Knowing that she is probably about to question me why I am not ready yet but because I'm the annoying brother she deserves. I throw her a more confused expression.

"What are you doing?!?!?" She asks still standing in front of the door. Looking like she's about to burst soon.

"I'm watching Adventure Time and eating cereal obviously." I said in a calm way which just made her more red with anger.

"We are already late and you're sitting in front of the TV watching cartoon?" This time she has moved close to the couch I am sitting on.

"Late for what?" I just love getting on her nerves but as I was saying this statement I start to chuckle. I couldn't hold it in any more.

"So I look like a joke to you ba?" She moves closer to me and I jerk back a bit thinking she might hit me.

"You better be ready when we all come out." She said pointing at me.

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