Chapter 8 - Platonic

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Kameela's P.O.V.

It's been about a month since 'it' happened. Every time I went to see Aunty Khadijah, I prayed that he was at work. I am a very awkward person so I had no idea what to do or say when I finally meet him face to face. Fortunately, all my prayers were always answered. Well all but one.

I got off work early and decided to check with Aunty Khadijah if she was around. My parents were both out of town. Apart from Bello and TaRasulu's bickering, the house was too quiet for my liking. Luckily for me, she was available. So I went straight to the house after I was done with work.

I noticed his car wasn't parked in front of the house so I silently thanked God he wasn't around. I walked to Aunty Khadijah's room confidently with no such thing as awkward meeting as a problem.

We ate and conversed and ate some more. I love how she always spoils me with food. Anytime I came to Nigeria, by the time I went back, I had always gained evident weight. I mean the kind that your cheeks get fuller and more rosy, your thighs start smudging type of weight gain.

I looked at the time and it was late. I knew if I didn't have work the next day, Aunty Khadijah would've told me to stay over. Honestly even if I didn't, I wouldn't have stayed cause this cutie over here was avoiding some cousin of hers.

I hugged her good night and promised her that I'd come over the next time I left work early. She evidently didn't want me to leave so she kept telling me stories or cracking jokes. I told her I knew what she was doing and she wasn't sly at all. But she kept on cracking them and I kept walking backwards out of her room till I was out and safe to turn and go home.

As I turned my body to face the entrance, it hit something hard but something warm and familiar. I blinked a couple of times to phase off the surprise. The last time I blinked, I opened my eyes to see him.

The surprise never phased off or if it did, I got surprised all over again. I stood there with the left side of my body on his chest. I still don't know how long we both stood there for but I know it was a long time.

If he hadn't cleared his throat, I would've probably memorised the details on his face and would've been able to draw his face to maximum perfection. I pulled myself away.

"Hey." He said so awkwardly.

"Oh hey. I didn't see you there. I didn't even know you were back. I was already on my way so umm, bye." I said fast as I could and scrabbled away. For some reason unknown to me, my heart beat was so loud and fast it was scary. My heart beat could've been easily mistaken for a club beat. The one when you're outside the club and all you hear is

Dum! Dum! Dum!

When I got home, anytime I thought about the incident my palms got wet and I rubbed them on my thighs. It felt weird. I knew myself and I knew that I only sweat on my palms when I get nervous. Why was I nervous? I still can't tell you.

I tried my best to fall asleep but the expression on his face kept popping in and out of my head like internet advertisements. I got fed up so I made a warm cup of milk and swallowed a sleeping pill.

The next day went by so slow. The work seemed to double up. By the time I was done, it was already dark outside and most of the other employees were gone.

Garba phoned me earlier telling me he was sick. I had figured anyways cause he was acting funny in the morning when he dropped me. So I had to use a tricycle to go back home. Fun fact; I've never ridden on a tricycle before. I stood by the road side. I am not used to calling a cab so I had to use the small knowledge I had from movies.

I remembered how in Mr. Beans Holiday, he held out his arm to call for a cab. So I stretched my arm out. Once in a while I dropped it cause it hurt. I waited there for about 30 minutes till when I finally saw an empty tricycle. I was so happy that I was about to start praying for his family then he spoke and messed shit up.

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